In Vitro Evaluation of Alpha Amylase Activity of Bark Extracts of Ficus Auriculata

Authors : Yogesh Tiwari, Amandeep Singh, Bhupendra Kumar, Ashok Kumar

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 12 - December

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Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder resulting in abnormal hyperglycemia. It can be caused by hereditary, poor diet, indigestion, obesity, modern lifestyle, mental & physical stress, infection in pancreas, hypertension, lipoproteins, less glucose utilization and several other factors. WHO estimates that more than 80% cases are is of diabetics. It is recognized by abnormal insulin secretion. In addition to drug therapy, it involves changes in lifestyle, such as improper diet and exercise also controlled. If the amount of alpha amylase in body is increased, then the glucose level increases in the body. If alpha amylase activity is reducing naturally and with influence of drugs then reduce the blood glucose level and show hypoglycemic activity (Ponnusamy, 2012).

Keywords : Diabetus Mellitus, Alpha Amylase


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