ISSN No.: 2456-2165


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31 - October - 2021

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Issue 10 - October
Volume 6 - 2021

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Volume 6 - 2021

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Volume 6 - 2021

Issue 7 - July
Volume 6 - 2021

Issue 6 - June
Volume 6 - 2021

Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July



Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of Tonsil – A Rare Occurrence

Author Name : Peoli Mukutawat; Anil Kumar Dhull; Vivek Kaushal; Rakesh Dhankhar; Rajeev Atri; Kunwar Prativyom



Eye Examination Techniques for Malingering Patients- A Review

Author Name : Janak Poudel; Premnath Krishnasamy; B.Optom; M. Optom



Impact of Government Interventions on Corona Virus Transmission in Nigeria

Author Name : Muhyideen Oloyede



Phyto-Therapheutic Plants As Miracle Around You – A Review

Author Name : Sudhanshu Mishra; Aishwarya Singh Rajput; Akash Shaw



Travel Decision and Destination Experiences in the Islands of Caramoan, Philippines: A Visitors’ Descriptive Evaluation

Author Name : Emy S. Lasarte



Recurrent Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma of Upper Eyelid - A Case Report

Author Name : Sheeba Bhardwaj; Peoli Mukutawat; Vivek Kaushal



Aerodynamic Flow Visualisation Over Surfaces Using Smoke Separation Method from Ansys Fluent

Author Name : Virendra Talele; Niranjan Sonawane; Omkar Chavan; Akash Divate; Niraj Badhe; Mirza Adil Ansar Beg; Harshal Patil



Cardiovascular Biofluid Mechanics

Author Name : Parvati Rajesh



Geographic Information System (GIS) for Natural Resources Management in Rural Areas:- A Case Study of Village Jeeda, Block Goniana, District Bathinda (Punjab)

Author Name : Charanjeet Singh; Hardeep Singh



Nurses Perception of Biological Risk

Author Name : Rosa Elvira Minchala Urgilés; Ángel Efraín Palaguachi Tenecela; Luis Francisco Altamirano Cardenas; Pedro Carlos Martínez Suárez; Elvia Narcisa Godoy Durán; Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel



The Effect of Training on Work Motivation and Its Impact on Employee Performance (Case Study at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Headquarters)

Author Name : Mochammad Habibie; Ika Mustika



Zakah and its Utilization as Working Capital for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Author Name : Zainal Arif; M. Nurzansyah



Rare Presentation of Pulmonary Embolism Associated with PCP in a 28-Year-Old Man who was not known to be infected with HIV Before

Author Name : Nasser Al-Shekaili; Ahmed Nada; Yousif A. Hamad



Network Penetration and Testing in a Rural Banking Environment in Ghana

Author Name : Wellington Amponsah; Simon Amonovi; Kwabena Gyeke-Lartey; Taiwo E. Ajagunsegun



Colorimetric Determination of Stability Constant of Sulfamethoxazole-Cu(II) Complex at Different Temperatures by Continuous Variation Method

Author Name : O.V. Ikpeazu; I.E. Otuokere; K.K.Igwe



Improvised Guard for Next Level Security Automated Vehicle Security System using Artificial Intelligence and Convolutional Neural Network

Author Name : Joel M John; Noel Phillip Issac; Jerin Thomas; Subin Alexander; Syamraj B S



Analysis of Crimes of Juveniles Delinquency Using Statistical Techniques

Author Name : Tejaswi S. Kurane; Prakash S. Chougule; Suresh T. Salunkhe



Design and Peformance Test of Coconut Skin Testa Peeling Machine

Author Name : Yukodharma Putra; Erry Rimawan; Ahmad Rusdi; Andrianto



Role of Solvability Ratio of Financial Performance at Pt. Orientama Lintas Buana

Author Name : Riska Yulianti; Erry Rimawan; Cecep Hermawan; Febry Wonggiawan



Simulation of the Cardiovascular Mechanical System Based on Pressure-Flow Model Rest Condition

Author Name : Dimas Primasatya; Erry Rimawan; Hendi Herlambang; Horas Canman S



Interlink of Road: Opposite Dimensions of Social and Environmental Impacts in Mountain Region

Author Name : Dr Shukra Raj Adhikari



An Uplifted over Logistics Costs Efficiency by the Hub and Spoke System at Cikarang Dry Port

Author Name : Nuh; Sugeng Santoso



Drivers of Audit Failures: A Comparative Discourse

Author Name : Etim, E. Osim; Comfort Precious Goddymkpa; Nsima Johnson Umoffong



Student Assessment of Lecturers: A Strategy for Combating Corrupt Practices among University Teachers in Nigeria

Author Name : Professor MKPA AGU MKPA



Semiotic Analysis of Video COVID-19 by World Health Organization

Author Name : Vista Octarensa; Muhammad Aras



Application of "Puerperal Healthy" of Optimization of Postpartum Mother Knowledges that Given Effleurage Relaxation Massage

Author Name : Herlina; Diyah Fatmasari; Rr Sri Endang Pujiastuti; Runjati



Isolation, Purification, and Characterization of Serratiopeptidase Enzyme from Serratia marcescens

Author Name : Suma.K.C; Manasa.H; Likhitha.A; Nagamani.T.S



Vision Based System for “Free-Weight Back Squat” Angle Assessment

Author Name : Tharindu Dananjana Silva; B.G.D.A. Madhusanka; H.D.N.S. Priyankara



Marrakech in Travel Literature




Synthesis and Characterization of CdS Slim Film Grown by CBD Method

Author Name : Vhadgal Gorakh Anna



Survey on Recent Works in Computed Tomography based Computer ‑ Aided Diagnosis of Liver using Deep Learning Techniques

Author Name : E. Emerson Nithiyaraj; S. Arivazhagan



Comparative Analysis of Study Habits Between Males and Females

Author Name : Nishmin Unwalla



Super Resolution: A Simplified Approach Using GANs

Author Name : Dr. Naveena C; Thanush M; Vinay N.B; Yaser Ahmed N



Engr. Abdulkadir Abdullahi Kure Ultra-Modern Market Fire Safety Assessment

Author Name : Fatemeh Nouban; Nura Yunusa



Management Strategy in Maintaining a Good Relationship with Stakeholders by Implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program at PT Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap

Author Name : M Romi Bahtiar; Setyo Riyanto



Studying Cases of Handling Stunts in Enrekang District: Political Commitments and Policy of Becoming SDGS

Author Name : Sri Harpina; Amran Razak; Muhammad Alwy Arifin; Sukri; Syamsuddin



Therapeutic Efficacy of Ivermectin as an Adjuvant in the Treatment of Patients with COVID-19 Study conducted at the Social Security Institute for Workers of the State of Chiapas, ISSTECH, Mexico

Author Name : Alberto Cundapí Núñez; Gerardo Grajales Yuca; Jesús Miguel Leyva Cervantes; Ana Paola Rubiano Murcia; Marco Antonio Ordoñez Juárez; Jenner Josué Martínez



Watch’n Listen Effects of A Visual Approach on ESL Learner’ Listening Comprehension in an ESL Context

Author Name : Muhammad Asyraf Bin Khaja Mohideen; Dr. Nur Ehsan Bin Mohd



Implementation of Value Clarivication Tehnique Model Assisted by Image Media in Improving Motivation and Results Learning Education Cityzenship (PKn) Four Graduated on SDN Wonorejo III/314 Surabaya

Author Name : Anita Dwi Anggraini; Suhanadji; Rr. Nanik Setyowati



Implementation of Model Problem Based Learning Assisted Media Powerpoint Benefits Materials Unity and Unity of the Nation to Improve the Nationalism and Patriotism of PKn in Class IV SDN Simomulyo III Surabaya

Author Name : Ariana Kusuma Wardhani; Suhanadji; Rr. Nanik Setyowati



Advantages and Limitations of Endoscopic Septoplasty: Experience of 120 Cases

Author Name : Md. Ashraful Islam; Tareq Mohammad; Nazmul Hossain Chowdhury; Towsif Bin Mamoon; Farid Uddin Milki; ASM Lutfur Rahman



Characterization of Complementary Feeding in Infants of Azogues, Biblián and Déleg

Author Name : María Alejandra Aguirre Quezada; María de los Ángeles Estrella González; Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel; Pedro C. Martínez Suárez; Mercedes Magdalena Sarmiento Pesántez; Marina Cecilia Andrade Molina; Nancy Beatriz Cordero Zumba



Steel Surface Defect Detection using Deep Learning

Author Name : Vira Fitriza Fadli; Iwa Ovyawan Herlistiono



The Impact of Covid-19 on Socio-Economic Change and Psychological Health of Moroccan Citizens

Author Name : JIBRAILI Zineb; ABYRE Asmaa; ANOUAR Hajar; JIBRAILI Malak



The Effect of Plant Density at the Maize-Soybean Intercropping Pattern Inoculated With Mycorrhizae and Organic Fertilizer to the Growth and Yield in Dry Land North Lombok, Indonesia

Author Name : Wahyu Astiko; Ni Made Laksmi Ernawati; I Putu Silawibawa



Text-Based Intent Analysis using Deep Learning

Author Name : Vraj Desai; Sidarth Wadhwa; Anurag A; Bhisham Bajaj



A Review of Solar Water Heater Setup Energy Analysis Using Heat Exchanger




The Effect of Quality Perception, Perception Risk, and Perception of Price Interest in Buying DFSK Glory 580

Author Name : Daiwan; Dr. M. Mukti Ali, ST., MM



Degradation Study of Different Brands of Rosuvastatin Calcium Tablet in Bangladesh Using UV Spectrophotometer

Author Name : Jinnatun Nahar; Md. Al-Amin; Sumaya Mahmud Sharna



Knowledge and Practice of Nursing Personnel on COVID-19; ONLINE DESCRIPTIVE STUDY

Author Name : Muralidharan S.; Priya Sharma; Sujeeta Malik



A Study of Impact of Cashless Transaction on Society Using Statistical Methods

Author Name : Prakash S. Chougule; Tejaswi S. Kurane; Suresh T. Salunkhe; Puja A. Pawar



The Analysis of Young Entrepreneurs’ Performance in the Milkfish Presto MSMEs in Semarang, Indonesia

Author Name : Moch Norrochim Mashuri; Purbayu Budi Santosa



Pesut (Orcaella brevirostris) Distribution in Mahakam Watershed East Kalimantan from Time To Time (Case Study of Community Perception in East Kalimantan)

Author Name : Lariman



The Effect of Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Employee Performance at the Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning of the Bukittinggi City

Author Name : Ronny Kurniawan; Bahrudin; Salman Hafiz; Mardiah Hadayanti; Anne Putri



Trials of a New Stirrer-less Juice Sulphiter at Experimental Sugar Factory

Author Name : Narendra Mohan; S. K. Trivedi



Mixed Vehicular Traffic Flow Model on an Inclined Multilane Road

Author Name : Delina Mshai Mwalimo; Mary Wainaina; Winnie Kaluki



Song of Myself : A Democratic Epic

Author Name : Khadija El Hayani



Implementation of Forward Chaining Method to Detect User Criteria in Using Smartphone

Author Name : Putri Aylin Marshai; Erry Rimawan; Ia Asih; Ivan Kristianto



Causes of Variation Order and the Impact on Project Cost Building in Sudirman

Author Name : Caesarani Gloria Putri; Erry Rimawan; Lindra Aulia Rachman; Prasetyo Madyo Utomo



Embedding Review and Drill in Teaching Technical Writing

Author Name : REMUEL M. COLES



The Effect of Fiscal Decentralization on the Accountability of City / District Government Financial Reporting in Indonesia and the Regional Government's Financial Performance as a Moderation Variable

Author Name : Wahida Nurmuthmainnah; Syarifuddin; Mediaty



A Fire Hazard Assessment Using Sentinel Imagery; A Case Study Over Gippsland Australia

Author Name : Sanjeev Kumar Raut; David Nhemaphuki; Rebanta Aryal; Prakash Lakandri



Prediction of Resale Value of the Car Using Linear Regression Algorithm

Author Name : Kiran S



The Effect of Varying Magnetic Number, Reynolds Number and Pressure Gradient on Velocity Profiles in an MHD Flow

Author Name : LIHAVI ANNET; Dr. Virginia Kitetu; Dr. Mary wainaina



A Survey on Emulation of Communication Protocols in Microcontrollers

Author Name : Ashok Rathish S; Dr. Paramasivam K



Rationalization of the Use of Land and Capital Production Factors on Hybrid Cayenne Agriculture Business on Juwita Variety in Central Lombok District

Author Name : I Dewa Gede Suartha; Made Suma Wedastra; Ni Wayan Putu Meikapasa; I Gusti Ngurah Aryawan Asasandi; Ida Ayu Nopiari



Effect of Fertilizer Application on Production of Triumfetta Tomentosa Boj.(Fam. Tiliaceae), A Multipurpose Plant in Kenya

Author Name : Kariuki, S. T; Kinuthia, N. L; Mathooko, M. J; Mucheke, W.



Guidance and Recommendations for Sustainable Management of a Construction Project

Author Name : Prof. Naheed B Mir Mumtaz Ali



Perception of Health Information Management Professionals on the Importance of Computer System in Health Information Management in Obafemi Awolowo Teaching Hospital, Ile- Ife, Osun State, Nigeria

Author Name : Ayodele Kolawole Musa; Ogbonna Mary Aina; Ojo Phebean Opeyemi



Factors That Influence the Use of Online Ticket Application (Case Study: Traveloka)

Author Name : Akhmad Arfan; Mirza



A Comparative Study of Two Split Course Accelerated Hypo-fractionated Radiation Therapy (SCAHRT) Schedules in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Carcinoma

Author Name : Peoli Mukutawat; Vivek Kaushal; Rakesh Dhankhar; Rajeev Atri; Anil Kumar Dhull; Sheeba Bhardwaj; Shuchita Rohaj; Bibhavendra Kumar Singh; Kunwar Prativyom; Dr. Anita’s



Application of POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) Learning Strategies to Reduce Students' Misconceptions in Science Subjects in Elementary School

Author Name : Dani Tri Astiti; Muslimin Ibrahim; Eko Hariyono



To Study the Attitude of IV B.D.S. and Intern Students from a Dental College in Western Maharashtra Towards Pursuing Post Graduate Course in Oral Medicine and Radiology

Author Name : Dr Nikkhiel Diwaan; Dr Rashmi Sapkal; Dr Shraddha Supnekar; Dr Husna Patel; Dr Kamana Kureel



Discovering the Human Heart, the Fall of Medical Science, and Correcting the Mistakes of Human Civilization

Author Name : Emad Faiz Kamel



Importance of Effective Clinical Documentation by Medical Doctors to Patient Care Management in Federal Teaching Hospital, `Ido Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria

Author Name : Ogbona Mary Aina; Ayodele Kolawole Musa; Ojo Phebian Opeyemi



Guided Tissue Regeneration – A Boon to Surgical Periodontal Therapy

Author Name : Dr. Akhilesh Sankhyayan; Dr. Anil Sharma; Vidushi Jindal; Dr. Malvika Thakur; Dr. Vikas Jindal; Ayushi Singla



Factors Influencing Farmers Adaptive Capacities to Climate Change Alone River Niger communities in Edo and Kogi States, Nigeria

Author Name : Ekemhonye, S; Nmadu, J. N; Coker A. A.A; Ndanitsa, R. M. A



The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovation Work Behavior through Knowledge Sharing in PT. Arga Bangun Bangsa

Author Name : Hilwan Khulaifi; Charles Bohlen Purba



SARS-CoV-2 Receptor and Renin-Angiotensin System Regulation: Impact of Genetics Variants in ACE2 Gene Impact of Genetics Variants in the ACE2 Gene in the Functional Receptor of SARS-CoV-2

Author Name : Juliana de Oliveira Cruz; Sandra Mara Bispo Sousa



Improving Employee Performance Through Implementing Transformational Leadership Style, Organizational Culture Improvement and Work Motivation

Author Name : Ade Riandi Virgiawan; Setyo Riyanto



Artificial Neural Network vs PID Controller for Magnetic Levitation System

Author Name : G.M.K.B. Karunasena; H.D.N.S. Priyankara; B.G.D.A. Madhusank



Designing Assesment Task of Student Creative Thinking Assisted by Google Form

Author Name : Rahmat Setyawan; Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono; Wiryanto



Adapting Hands-on Laboratory’s Materials and Embedded Systems from Local Use to Remote Experimenting through Internet

Author Name : Yassine Larbaoui; Ahmed Naddami; Ahmed Fahli



Palm Print Confirmation Utilizing Contourlet

Author Name : B.Sharmila



OVO Product Users' Sustainable Desire as an Challenger on Digital Payment Market (Case Study in West Jakarta)

Author Name : Nuriman Novianto; Didik J. Rachbini; Endi Rekarti



Survey on Text Classification

Author Name : Leena Bhuskute; Satish kumar Varma



Evaluating Effect of Anxiety on Eye Hand Coordination Using Jenga Game in Female Nursing Professionals: An Observational Study

Author Name : Dr. Jeba Chitra; Dr. Jorida Fernandes; Jowena Parikh



Income Generating Study on The South Sumatera LRT Operational

Author Name : Sudirmansyah; Joni Arliansyah; Edi Kadarsa



Phylogenetic Analysis of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Enzyme and Its Future Aspect in Treatment of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Enzyme Deficiency (Phenylketonuria)

Author Name : Samran Shahid



The Effect of User Experience on Customer Satisfaction on Netflix Streaming Services in Indonesia

Author Name : Mario Alberto Jose Martins ; Setyo Riyanto



Explaining Community Interest in Choosing Transjakarta as Daily - Day Transportation (Case Study on Corridor XIII of the Ciledug Route - Blok M)

Author Name : Iskandar Muda Pulungan; Dr. Didik J. Rachbini; Dr. Endi Rekarti, SE.,M.E



Isolation, Purification and Analysis of Pancreatic Lipase from ‘Gallus gallus domesticus’

Author Name : Sandhya.B; Nagamani.T.S



Pre Clearance Analysis on Dwelling Time for Imported Container (Case Study: Boom Baru Port)

Author Name : Aulia Safira; Erika Buchari; Edi Kadarsah



Performance Analysis of Fast Charging Stations for G2V and V2G Micro-grid Systems

Author Name : Veerpratap Meena; Dr Vinay Pant; Arunendra Verma; Kanchan Chariya



Biochemical and Microbiological Characterization of Prickly Pear Rejects

Author Name : Loubna EL HAJJI; Souad SALMAOUI



Gestational Diabetes and Cold Stress Trigger Protein Oxidation in Discrete Brain Regions

Author Name : Rizwan Sharief; Mahaboob Basha P



Impact of Relationship Marketing and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Its Implications to Customer Loyalty in Pt. Precision Tools Service Indonesia (PTSI)

Author Name : Robby Hakim Nugraha; Arifin Sitio



Mentoring System: Student Leadership Programme

Author Name : Hiral Makwana; Deepika Manche; Dr.Kranti Ghag; Sanika More



Head-Neck Schwannoma: Presenting as a Huge Posterior Neck Swelling

Author Name : Islam MA ; Chowdhury NH ; Mohammad T ; Mamun TB ; Khan SR5. Rahman ASML6; Milki FU7



The Effect of Ownership Structure and Financial Performance on Firm Value with Dividend Policy as Moderating Variable at Property and Real Estate Companies

Author Name : Witya Shalini; Erlina; Prihatin Lumban Raja



The Implementation of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Knowledge Management in Improving Corporation Innovation

Author Name : Risky Firlanda Putra; Irving Luntungan



Evaluating the Contribution of E-Government Services Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) A Case Study of Egypt

Author Name : Ibrahem Mohamed Mohamed Ramadan; Dr Manal Abd Alkader Abd Alfatah



A Novel Approach to Implementation of Lighting Design Using Virtual Reality

Author Name : Akshay Babu; Sharon Joseph ponthokkan; Aleena Joseph; Abhijith R Prasad; Aswathy VS



Complements to Gravity Theories

Author Name : Cynelle Olívia de Souza



Gender Disparities in Tanzania: Legal Framework Vis-a Vis Practice

Author Name : Sr.Ester JohnKilatu; Daniel Kulwa



Design Study of a Lifting Mechanism Works on Gear Under Manual Operation

Author Name : Mohammed Fazil M H; Ronald A D; Robert Kurian; Vishnu E S; S Krishnanunni



The Importance of Agroforestry to Climate Change Matigation in Tropical Africa: Review Running title: AFS Carbon Stock in Tropics

Author Name : Desalegn Getnet Bahriw



Available Resources and Laboratory/Workshop Practices as a Correlate Between Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work Students Behaviour and Entrepreneurial Intentions

Author Name : Shodipe Olabanji T; Nwahunanya Innocent; Martins Rebecca O; Abiodun Oluwasegun S



Expert System Analysis of TIG Molten Weld Metal Fluidity Using the Bond Dimensionless Number

Author Name : Okhigbochie.K; Achebo .J.I; Ozigagun A



Influence of Tourism Development and Community Participation Factors on Opportunity of Gashaka Gumti National Park

Author Name : Kanati Madaki; Tonga Ak Noweg; Alexender Kiew Anak Sayok; Wong Swee Kiong; Isaac John Umaru



Teaching the ‘Soul of English Language’ to the Learners’ of Schools: Bangladesh Perspective

Author Name : Md. Solaiman



Covid-19 and 5G Radiation are Two Parallel Lines: A Systematic Review

Author Name : Taofeeq .D. Moshood; Rukayat .A. Shittu



Comparative Analysis of Seasonal Changes in Soil Contaminations from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Solid Waste Dumpsites in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Author Name : Loremikan, A.G; Ngah, S.A; Abam, T.K.S.; Ubong, I.U



BAPEN Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool in Adults in the City of Vlora, Albania

Author Name : Brunilda Subashi



Town Massive Garbage –To - Energy for Maputo City in Mozambique

Author Name : Fernando Agostinho Dzeco; Dr. Anand Mohan



Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and New Blood Vessels Formation on Wound Incision Post Ropivacaine Administration in Animal Model

Author Name : Andri Subiantoro; Arie Utariani; Imam Susilo



Strategic Political Communication of Young Business Actor Be Succes Politician

Author Name : Muhammad David Octavian; AG.Eka Wenats Wuryanta



Level or Fraud and Professional Skeptisism to Become a Whistleblower

Author Name : Henni Mande; Mediaty Mediaty; Abdul Hamid Habbe; Kartini Kartini



The Development of Instructional Leadership Indicators of Private School Principal of Laos

Author Name : Souksamone Pathammavong



Need Assessment of Stormwater Management Guidelines in Pokhara and Design of Stormwater Drains for Ward 2 of Pokhara, Nepal

Author Name : Keshav Basnet; Achyut Bhandari; Kaushal Chandra GC; Nirmal Baral; Netra Bahadur Katuwal



Elucidative PAM/Target Sequence for CRISPR/Cas- 9 Activity in Breast Cancer Using a Computational Approach

Author Name : Aniket De; Dr. Arup Ratan Biswas



The Formulation Model of Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax (PBB-P2) For Increasing the Local Original Revenue in Ngawi District

Author Name : Changgih Swantaka Yoganendi; Agus Riewanto; Sunny Ummul Firdaus



Development of Mathematical Models to Optimize Weld Penetration Area of Mild Steel in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

Author Name : Ofoeyeno.B; Achebo .J.I; Ozigagun A



On Semi-Uniformity, Quasi-Uniformity, Local Uniformity and Uniformity

Author Name : Dr. Ranjan Kumar Singh



Development of Interactive Flash Media in Learning Newton's Laws

Author Name : A.Zaky Al-Ghozali; Dwi Yulianti; Undang Rosidin



Effect of Nurse Therapeutic Communication on Patient Satisfaction in the Installation of Genreral Hospital in Massenrempulu, Enrekang District

Author Name : Indri Primadianty; Indar; Alwi Arifin; Amran Razak; A Ummu Salmah; Syamsuddin



Existence of the Essential Features of the Function Concept in Public Secondary Students’ Definitions

Author Name : Huda Faour



The Influence of Hospital Services on Patient Satisfaction in Islamic Banjarmasin Hospital

Author Name : Norrahmiati



Low Dose Radiation Therapy for COVID-19 Pneumonia – An Imminent Panacea for Sickest of the Sick Patients

Author Name : Peoli Mukutawat; Kunwar Prativyom; Anita Mukutawat



Transition of Human Resources from PT. Sindu Utama Bahari to PT. Agung Line due to Acquisition Process

Author Name : Redywan James Purba; Charles Bohlen Purba



Development of Salt Hydrolysis Module Based on guided Inquiry to Increase The Critical Thinking Ablility of 11th Grade High School Students

Author Name : Annisatul Qaidah; Hardeli



Prevalence of Substance Use Disorders and Effectiveness of Educational Package on Knowledge Regarding the Disorders among Adolescents in Selected Schools of Lekhnath, Nepal

Author Name : Deepa Gurung; Bindu Thapa; Amrita Paudel



Experience of Tympanoplsty Done Under Local Anesthesia without Sedation

Author Name : Md. Ashraful Islam; Tareq Mohammad;Nazmul Hossain Chowdhury; Towsif Bin Mamoon; Farid Uddin Milki; ASM Lutfur Rahman; Saif Rahman Khan



Methods to Evaluate Airway Resistance and Lung Compliance During Mechanical Ventilation: A Comparative Study

Author Name : Apoorva S Kulkarni; Sheela N



Development of Student Activity Sheets Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Science 4th Grade Elementary School

Author Name : Novita Anggraeni; Suryanti, Widowati Budijastuti



The Effect of Competence and Motivation of Employee Performance With Organizational Commitment as Intervening Variables in PT. Maleo Kreatif Indonesia

Author Name : Fatinah Ghiyats; Irfan Noviandy Aulia, Dr., SE., MM., CHRP



Analysis of Supplier Rubber Dumper XP500-R Selection as a Tool for Safety Unit Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method (AHP) at PT ABC

Author Name : Irfan Muhamad Ramadon; Erry Rimawan; Rini Kristianti; Suryadi



The Physics of the Ideal Continuum

Author Name : Vedran Furtula



Perceptions of Nurses Before Professional Midwifery in the First Level of Health Care

Author Name : Dora Gutiérrez Toledo; Ivett Reyes Guillén; Bárbara Muñoz Alonso Reyes



Preliminary Screening of Some Nutraceuticals as Aflatoxin (Aspergillus flavus) Reduction Agents Using In Vitro growth Inhibition Technique

Author Name : Ari, M.M; Hassan, D. I; Yakubu, A; Adua,M. M



Study and Optimisation of Supply Duct Bend and Diffuser in HVAC System for a Classroom

Author Name : Shivam Agarwal; Danishq Gera



Cell Phone Habits and the Related Health Issues – A Study Conducted in Kerala

Author Name : Premlal P.D.; Eldhose N.V.



Activity Monitoring and Unusual Activity Detection for Elderly Homes

Author Name : Liz George M; Dr.Arun Thomas; Marsha Mariya Kappan; Judith Tony; Maria Joy



Assessment of the Refuse Collection Charges in Covering Waste Management Cost: The Case of ILALA Municipality -Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Author Name : TP. Dr. Hussein M. Omar



A Survey and Analysis of Multi-Label Learning Techniques for Data Streams

Author Name : S.K.Komagal Yallini; Dr. B.Mukunthan



Developing a Culture of Health and Safety on Construction Projects Framework in Nigeria

Author Name : Fatemeh Nouban; Serah Onuh John



Analysis of Regional Financial Capabilities In Supporting the Implementation of Regional Autonomy in Toraja Utara District In 2014 – 2019

Author Name : Mariana Limbong; Haliah; Nur Dwiana Sari Saudi



De-Noising of Uterus Fibroid Ultrasound Image Using Gaussismooth Convolution Filter (GSCF)

Author Name : Dr. M. Renuka Devi; V. Sindhu



Attitude of Parents (Father & Mother) Towards Visually Impaired Students of Secondary Level in “Education”

Author Name : Palash chakraborty; Dr. Debasish Dhar



Hybridized Design For Feature Optimization and Reduction of Intrusion Detection Systems Alert in a Correlation Framework

Author Name : Macarthy Osuo-Genseleke; Ojekudo Nathaniel



Antimicrobial Activity of 2-((2-(hydroxyimino)-1- phenylpropylidene) Hydrazono)-1, 2- diphenylethanone (HMPPH) and its Derivative

Author Name : M.J. Lele; Dr.R.G.Deshmukh



Spawn Production and Return on Investment of Four Varieties of Mushroom (Pleurotus florida, Pleurotus ostreatus, Ganoderma lucidum and Calocybe indica) Using Sawdust Media

Author Name : Abdani D. Bandera; Jamelah A. Bandas



Differences of Hypertension in the Case of Controlled and Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 In Pirngadi General Hospital Medan

Author Name : Rahmadani Sitepu; Elaninanivi Br Tarigan; Ida Yustina; Heru Santoso



Intention of Entrepreneurship in the Young Generation of Agriculture (Case of Diponegoro University Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture)

Author Name : Della Arny Novera; Lili Marliyah; Purbayu Budi Santosa



Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing (MI) Technique Towards Resilience of Sexual Violence Students of Yunior High School in Nganjuk

Author Name : Esty Rokhyani; Sugiyo; Samsudi; Edy Purwanto



Empirical Study: Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) And Resilience of Prisoners before Being Released

Author Name : Alief Budiyono; DYB Sugiharto; Anwar Sutoyo; Maman Rachman



Pavement Planning on Jalan Pendidikan in Palembang City

Author Name : Noor Sulistiyono; Febriansyah; Sri Kelana; Muhammad Ilham Ghifari



Effect of Workforce Ethnic Diversity and Education Backgrounddiversity on Employee Performancein Selected Universities in Kenya

Author Name : Rosemary Muvinya Muange; Ng’etich Willy Kiptoo



To Assess the Knowledge and Awareness of Interns Regarding the Management of Tuberculosis as per Recent RNTCP (2017-2025) Guidelines – A Cross Sectional Study

Author Name : Anamika Ajith; Dr. Rekha Nayaka M.R



E-Waste Generation and their Impacts on Health and Environment: A Study Over Gazipur District, Bangladesh

Author Name : Sakawat Hossain; Mustafizur Rahman



Efficient Way to Analysis the Texural Features of Brain Tumor MRI Image Using Glcm

Author Name : Ashwini kukreja; Arun Kumar Wadhwani; Sulochana Wadhwani



Can Eight over Bowling Spell be a Directives of Pace Bowling for Practice Session: An Experimental Study

Author Name : Mr. Mimu Seikh; Dr. Abhijit Thander



How does Brand Image, Price, and Promotion Influence Consumer Decisions in Mortgage Financing? PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Branch of UI Depok

Author Name : Ika Mustika; Gilang Lorosae



Development of Chemoentrepreneurship-Oriented Chemistry Module to Increase Students Entrepreneurial Interest of Class XI Even Semester Health Vocational High School

Author Name : Rahmi Arfina; Latisma Dj; Budhi Oktavia; Umar Kalmar



Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition

Author Name : Anju C P; Andria Joy; Haritha Ashok; Joseph Ronald Pious; Livya George



GINGEL: Development and Evaluation of AntiArthritic Gel Containing Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Author Name : Salonee Tawde; Kinjal Gawde; Deepak Mahind; Chetan Mhaprolkar; Kirti Sawant; Chaitali Surve



National Competency-Based Teacher Standards and Teaching Effectiveness

Author Name : Michelle Pamela Gultiano-Ansayam



Normative Data of VO2 max Using 20 Meter Shuttle Run Test in Normal Healthy Urban Children Between the Age Group of 7 to 19 Years

Author Name : Mansi Patel; Ashwini Dangi; Medha Deo



Effect of Covid – 19 in India: An overall discussion

Author Name : Voram.Shalini; Manda.Sri Vinya



Environmental Factors and Terminal Cancer Development- Review Article

Author Name : Urmil Shingala



Antenatal Education Model Based Gamification in Terms of Knowledge and Attitude Among Pregnant Women in the Antenatal Classes

Author Name : Erlin Chusnia Putri; Rasipin; Bedjo Santoso



The Effect of Water Content on the Gamma-ray Attenuation Factor of the Reactor Shielding Concrete

Author Name : S. Alhajali ; M. Boush.



Influence of Work Culture, Work Environment and Discipline of Work Safety in Safety Employees of Palm Plantation PT. XYZ in East Kalimantan

Author Name : Vaschalis David Suswanto; Kasmir



Calculation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) in Rotary Machine 5 Feet in Order to Total Productive Maintenance Implementation

Author Name : Sigit Dwi Cahyono; Fourry Handoko; Nelly Budiharti



The Alert Stethoscope

Author Name : Ria Kaur Ajmani; Manda Rishita



Meta-Analysis of the Implementation of E-Modules and the Effectiveness of Using Chemical Bonding E-Modules Based on Scientific Approaches Against Student X Learning Outcomes in Pariaman City

Author Name : Gia Aprina Putri; Indang Dewata; Budhi Oktavia; Desy Kurniawati



Role of Physiotherapy Health Care Professionals in Infection Prevention and Control of COVID -19 – A Pandemic Disease

Author Name : Jarapla Srinivas Nayak; Tittu Thomas James; ShubhamMenaria;Dr. Centina Rose John; Dr. Dhargave Pradnya



The Influence of Organizational Design, Work Culture, and Work Loads on Employee Satisfaction in Bekasi Branch XYZ Bank

Author Name : Valentina Simangunsung; Dr. Kasmir, SE., MM



Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching and Demonstration on Knowledge Regarding Personal Hygiene Among School Children

Author Name : M Melvin David; V Sujitra; E Arulmozhi; Dr. M Navaneetha



Protecting Children from Violent TV Programmes and Video Games in Tanzania

Author Name : Mwinyimbegu, K.S; Kubyula, N



Recovered Media in Argentina: An Inclusive Digital Movement

Author Name : Carolina Escudero



The Functions of SBST and DBST in South African Primary Schools

Author Name : Sefudi Isaac Nong



An Evaluation of Technological Competences and Technological Tools Usage by Primary School Teachers During COVID-19 Lockdown in Cameroon

Author Name : Kenneth Yuomeyse; Henri Rodrigue Njengoué Ngamaleu



Analysis of Aggressive Behavior in High School Students in The City of Pekanbaru

Author Name : Ainil Fitri; Lora Marlita; Yulia Febrianita; Putri Wulandini



Sever Rhabdomyolysis With Normal Renal Function Test in a 29-Year Old Who is Known to have RYR1 Mutation

Author Name : Roa A. Ali; Hassan Naeem



The Relationship of Exclusive Breast Milk With Stunting in Children Under the Age of Two Years Tapung Kampar Distric

Author Name : Yulia Febrianita; Ainil Fitri; Andalia Roza; Roni Saputra



Palliation of Dysphagia in Locally Advanced Carcinoma Esophagus- Exploration of Two Different Radiotherapy Schedules

Author Name : Sheeba Bhardwaj; Rakesh Dhankhar; Vivek Kaushal; Rajeev Atri; Anil Kumar Dhul; Peoli Mukutawat; Shweta Bhardwaj



Sleep Stage Classification for Prediction of Human Sleep Disorders by Using Machine Learning Approach

Author Name : Mayuri A. Rakhonde; Dr. Kishor P. Wagh; Prof. Ravi V. Mante



Applications of Human Biometrics in Digital Image Processing

Author Name : Anshul Kumar Singh; Brajesh Kumar Singh



Modeling the Increase of Floodwater Level at the Junction of the Batang Suliti and Batang Bangko Rivers in Sungai Pagu Sub-District, Muaro Labuh City, Solok Selatan District Using HEC-RAS 4.0

Author Name : Febriza ; Junaidi; Ir. Ahmad Junaidi



Localisation of Hydrogen Fuel Generation from Urine

Author Name : Priyam Chakravarty; Yash Kesarwani; Karan Kumar Shaw



The Influence of Leadership Style, Career Development and Work Environment to Employee Engagement at PT Indo Japan Steel Center

Author Name : Faiz Irsyad Prasetyo; Charles Bohlen Purba



Save your Boat from Sinking Earlier: Don’t be Hurry for Direct Laryngoscopic Assessment in a Dysphagia Patient

Author Name : Tareq Mohammad; Mohammed Benzamin; Nazmul Hossain Chowdhury; ASM Lutfur Rahman; Saif Rahman Khan; Farid Uddin Milki; Towsif Bin Mamoon; Md. Ashraful Islam



The Effect of Compensation and Work Loads Towards Intension of Turnover with Work Satisfaction as a Variable Mediation in Clinic Employees of PT Nayaka Era Husada Branch of Bekasi

Author Name : Thia Dwi Agustine; Lenny Christina Nawangsari



Development of Learning Module Based on Discovery Learning Using Probing Prompting Techniques in Redox Reactions to Improve Critical Thinking Ability in Class X Students

Author Name : Rusdani; Hardeli; Budhi Oktavia; Syamsi Aini



The Effect ofAdditional Nanoparticles Supplementation of Indonesian Bay Leaf (SyzigiumPolyanthum) on Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Hypertension

Author Name : Miftah Nurlaily El Akhlaq; Suharyo Hadisaputro; Suhartono; Sri Sumarni; M. Choiroel Anwar



Quality of Service Using Partial Least Square (PLS)

Author Name : Panji Priya Sahita; Julianus Hutabarat; Nelly Budiharti



The Relationship between Teachers Teaching Experience Attitude, Classroom Interaction Pattern and Students Academic Achievement in Science Subjects in Ebonyi State

Author Name : Chinyere G Attamah; Chisom Precious Attamah; Ukpai Patricia Ogonnaya; Chidi Nwobashi



Are Browse-wrap Agreements Legally Binding: As Analysed Across Multiple Jurisdictions

Author Name : Aashana Chandak



Socio-Demographic Attributes, Religious Practice and Treatment Adherence among the Mentally–Ill Attending Out- Patient Clinicofa Neuropsychiatric Hospital, South West, Nigeria

Author Name : Ogbebor E.O; Ogunfowokan T. R; Omitogun E. O; Owoeye I. D; Soyinka-Ayodele O. Z.



Design and Analysis of Remote Operated Water Bodies Cleaning Machine

Author Name : Harikrishnan K M; Livin Tom; Mohammed Fahim P H; Muhammed Shameer A A; Rinto K Anto



Islamic Insurance vs. Conventional Insurance: A Comparative Case Study

Author Name : S M Tazuddin



Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Atherosclerosis Among Young Adults

Author Name : Y Prabhukumar; Subhashini



Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Sectors in the Central Dry Zone, Costal and Delta Regions of Myanmar

Author Name : Ei Thinzar Min; Nay Pyi Taw



Stabilization of CL and CI Soil Using Sugarcane Bagasse Ash and Quarry Dust

Author Name : Abdul Hudoos A; Dr.Premalatha.K



CHMSC-BFAR Community Based Environmental Conservation

Author Name : Elenuel T. Genova; Mario N. Abeto; Noel N. Lebrilla



Understanding the Significance of Cannabidiols and their Possible Use in Sport

Author Name : Josip Miocic; Luka Androja; Drazen Cular



GIS Based Services Using Network Analysis of Khartoum North

Author Name : Mohamed Elamin Ahmed Babiker; Hajir Khaild Elshaikh Idris



Behavioral Skills Outcome of Technical Education Students Engaged in Cooperative Learning

Author Name : Oguguo Uchechukwu Chikodili; Ogbuanya. Theresa Chinyere



Good Leadership and Sustainable Governance: A Critical Assessment of Governance in Nigeria

Author Name : Emmanuel A. OJEWUNMI



Production, Quantitative Analysis of Fatty Acids, Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel Fuel Derived from Virgin Coconut Oil

Author Name : Alex Y; Roji George Roy



A Model of Interactive Traffic Management System and Traffic Data Analysis

Author Name : Md. Safayat Karim; Md. Bariul Islam; Sajib Hasan



Supply Chain Disruptions Due to Pandemic- A Case Study Paper on the Recent Pandemic Covid 19

Author Name : Archana M S; Kavya C; Prathiksha B



The Correlation Between Knowledge and Attitude of the Nurse Towards of Usage Personal Protective Equipment in General Hospital of Pandan

Author Name : Rostianna Purba.



Passenger Control in Smart Cities Using Deep Learning

Author Name : Delna T D; Dhanya P Pauly; Dona Johnson; Jesta Jose



Controller of Register Combinations and Tone Keys for Pipe Organ

Author Name : Ernest Gungl, Zmago Brezočnik



The Character Education in Learning Mathematics at Elementary School

Author Name : Desti Rahayu, Sutama; Sabar Narimo; Achmad Fathoni



Analysis of Factors Affecting Yield to Maturity of Corporate Bonds Traded on Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016 - 2018

Author Name : Ayu Asih Sintami; Bambang Santosoe Marsoem



The Factors Affecting the Adoption of Online Banking Services by Civil Servants in Cameroon

Author Name : Lith Enestine Tembon Ambit



African Immigrant and the Struggle against Class, Racism and Xenophobic Consequences in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Author Name : Ernest Muchu Toh



Tourism and Climate Change Mitigation, a Focus on Behavioral Change in Air Travel

Author Name : Komukama Grace



Determinants of Users Attitudes towards Social Websites Banner Advertising among University Students in Ethiopia

Author Name : Eyob Ketema Worku



Research and Development of Virtual Reality Somatosensory Game based on Unity3D and Exercise Bike

Author Name : Xufeng Ma; Junghyen Kim; Joonki Paik



United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Faith-Based Organizations: An Assessment of Nigerian Baptists Social Ministries

Author Name : Emmanuel A. Ojewunmi



Blood Pressure and Control Factor in Hypertensives Monitored at the Referral Hopsital in Boma. Democratic Repubic of the Congo

Author Name : Blaise Makoso Nimi; Bernadette Nzuzi Phaka; Rosette Pfuti Nlandu; Fabrice Nlandu Thamba