ISSN No.: 2456-2165


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Issue 10 - October
Volume 6 - 2021

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Volume 6 - 2021

Issue 7 - July
Volume 6 - 2021

Issue 6 - June
Volume 6 - 2021

Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July



Performance Analysis of User Behavior Across a Web for User Location Tracking

Author Name : N . Ulaganathan, Dr. S. Prasath.



Comparative Study of Minimal Invasive Subvastus Approach Versus Standard Medial Parapatellar Approach in Total Knee Arthroplasty

Author Name : Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma, Dr. R.P. Meena, Dr. Rahul Parmar, Dr. Pradeep Kumawat, Dr. Bharat Sharma.



Development of Science Lesson Plan in Pesawat Sederhana Material with 5E Learning Cycle and Game to Improve Learning Outcome of Junior High School Students

Author Name : Siti Wulandari, Z.A Imam Supardi, Tjipto Prastowo.



Menstrual Health in Peril due to Taboos and Stigmas about Menstruation: A Comparative Study in this Context between Two Indian Villages

Author Name : Stuti Chakraborty.



Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Agricultural Waste

Author Name : N. Zidan.



A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of a Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge of Primary Caregivers of Patients with Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type (DAT) regarding Activities of Daily Living(ADL) in Different Family Settings at Tumkur

Author Name : Chikkahanumanthaiah, Dr. Ramachandra Hooli.



The Effect of Earning Management, Profitability, and Firm Sizeon Audited Financial Statement Timeliness

Author Name : Nurainun Bangun.



Modern Customs Risk Management Framework: Improvement towards Institutional Reform

Author Name : Abdul Basir, Agung Endika Satyadini, Adi Barata.



Community Participation in Community-Based Drinking and Sanitation Programme

Author Name : Surjadi.



Development of Science Learning Materials With Cooperative Learning of Group Investigation Model To Improve High Order Thinking Skill of Junior High School Students

Author Name : Oke Pradyanti, Budi Jatmiko, Wahono Widodo.



Combined Effect of Cassia Auriculata Linn. Leaf Extract with Cyclophosphamide and Methotrexate on their Individual Anti-Cancer Potencies using Cancer Cell Lines

Author Name : Papanna K S, Dr. Bheemachari, Dr. Annegowda, Shruthi N, Srinivas.



Expenditure Display of Education Cost on Households in Kota Kupang and the Policy of Masterplan

Author Name : Jefirstson Richset Riwukore, Fellyanus Habaora.



The Effect of Compensation and Job Satisfaction On Increasing Productivity of Asuransi Jasindo Head Office Employees Mediated by Motivation Variable

Author Name : Fajarto, Suryono Putro; Aima, Muhammad Havidz; Karsono, Bambang.



Poverty Management Based on Economic Independence in Indonesia

Author Name : Idham M, Ishak; Muh Irwan Nur.



Antioxidant Activities of Four Commonly Consumed Indigenous Spices of Nigeria as Affected by Extracting Solvents

Author Name : Ugwuona Fabian, U., Ani Jane, C., Onwuzuruike, Uzochukwu A., Ndife Joel, Ukom Anthony, N.



Influence of Anthropometric Parameters on Aerobic Capacity among Dancers

Author Name : K.Bharathi, L.Keerthiga, D.Malarvizhi.



A Brief about Aluminum Oxide Nano-Particle Dispersion in to Biodiesel

Author Name : Manjunatha N D, Dr. M C Navindgi, Dr. Sharanappa Pani.



Cost and Time Optimization of Highway (NH 24-B, Phase-I) Construction

Author Name : Lalitesh Sinha, Atul Tripathi.



The Impact of Compensation and Career Development on the Organizational Commitment and the Implication on Employee’s Turnover Intention of Pt Serasi Autoraya Head Office

Author Name : Solihin, M. Havidz Aima, Tri Widyastuti.



Spatial Modeling on Net Enrollment Rate of Junior High in Mataram

Author Name : Baiq Ismi Rakhmah, Ir. Ismu Rini Dwi Ari., Dr. Wara Indira Rukmi.



Meta-Analysis on TVET Curriculum Implementation Challenges in Nigeria

Author Name : John Nehemiah Marwa, Muhammad Sukri Saud, Yusri Kamai and Nur Hazirah Binti Noh@Seth.



Development of Learning Instructional Based On 3R (Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle) to Improve Learning’s Outcome on Fourth Grade of Elementary School on Environmental Preservation’s Material

Author Name : Priliya Dwi Nurisdiana, Z.A. Imam Supardi, Sifak Indana



Enhancement of Quality Performance of Machine and Efficiency by Six Sigma Quality Tool through DMAIC Approach in ASQ Standards

Author Name : Gorthy Lakshmi Narayana Sumukh, Dr .R. Ramesh.



Design & Development of Multi-Evaporative Refrigeration System

Author Name : Prashant S. Daingade, Akshay B. Gavade, Omkar A. Shinde, Ruturaj P. Shinde, Saqlain Y. Landge, Rajesh P. Yadav.



Performance and Emission Analysis of Plastic Synthetic Oil

Author Name : Sarthak Inganhalli, Yash Doshi, Pratik Bhosale, Mayur Hasurakar, Avinash Jadhav.



Effect of Service Quality Dimensions College Student Academic Satisfaction of Stmik Bina Bangsa Kendari

Author Name : Misriani, Nur Iman, Widhi Lestari.



Is the City Society Interested in Staying at Rural Homestay in Indonesia?

Author Name : Lestari Ningrum, Amalia Mustika.



Integration of New Sensor Data in Open Data Cube

Author Name : Parul Mittal, T. P. Girish Kumar, Dr. Shraddha Masih.



Teacher Supervision Support and Its Impact on Professional Development of Teachers in Primary Schools

Author Name : Philemon Antonio



Comparison of the Patient's Postoperative Sore Throat With General Anesthesia on the Use of Lidocaine Nebulizer and Ketamine Nebulizer in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan

Author Name : Arie Budi Satria, Akhyar H. Nasution, Asmin Lubis



Profile of Teachers’ Social Competence at Khadijah Foundation and Its Effect on Students’ Social Sensitivity at Khadijah Primary School

Author Name : Mufidatus Shofiyah, Warsono, Aminuddin Kasdi



Isolation and Antimicrobial Activity of Soil Fungi from Magway University Campus

Author Name : Lae Lae Aung, Myat Myat Nwe,Aye Aye Kyi



How the Effect of Financial Technology to Financial Inclusions: Study Case At Sumbawa

Author Name : Lukmanul Hakim, Sri Andriani, Putri Reno Kumala Sari



Model of Mapping Priority for Post-Disaster Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in Palu City

Author Name : Rechian Hapsari, Tri Joko Wahyu Adi



Adoption of Improved Production Practices of Maize in Bheemadevarapalli Vangara Block of Warangal District, Telangana

Author Name : Dandu. Snigdha, Dipakkumar Bose, Jahanara



Biodiesel Production from Palm and Waste Cooking Oils Catalyzed by Silica-Titania Catalyst with Time Variation

Author Name : Dhika Farianty, Ananda Putra, Latisma DJ, Umar Kalmar Nizar, Rita Sundari



The Relationship of Pain at the Depression Level of PHQ - 9 (Patient Health Quistionnaire - 9) to the Degree of VAS (Visual Analog Scale) for Pain in Cancer Patients in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan

Author Name : Mirza Arya Putra Nasution, Akhyar Hamonangan Nasution, Muhammad Ihsan



McEliece's Crypto System based on the Hamming Cyclic Codes

Author Name : KABEYA TSHISEBA Cedric



Comparison of the Scale of Pain From Injection of Propofol Preceded by Lidocaine and Ketamine Injections in General Anesthesia

Author Name : Almadan, Ade Veronica H.Y., Yutu Solihat



Impact of National Watershed Development Project on Level of Adoption of Recommended Crop Practices in Block Pathapatnam of Srikakulam District of Andhrapradesh

Author Name : Temburu Kranthi Kumar, Dr. Syed H. Mazhar, Dr. Jahanara



Analysis of Inventory Management using Methodology Rop (Reorder Point) to Minimize Doi (Days of Inventory)

Author Name : Abimanyu, Wawan Herwanta, Erry Rimawan



Analysis of Customer Satisfaction on Quality of Air Export Service in Pt. XYZ using Service Quality (Servqual) and Diagram Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Methods

Author Name : Winy Puspa Lestari, Laras, Ati Sugiyanto, Erry Rimawan



Truck Scheduling Analysis using Cross Docking System with Simple Iteration Mutation Algorithm

Author Name : Ariyanto, Rahmawati, Erry Rimawan



Performance of Different Packaging Materials on Quality Attributes and Storability of Osmotically Dehydrated Wild Apricot Fruits under Ambient Storage Conditions

Author Name : Suneeta Singh, Anil Kumar Saxena, S. K. Sharma



KaizeninWorld Class Automotive Company With Reduction of Six Big Lossesin Cylinder Block Machining Line in Indonesia

Author Name : Ahmad Rozak, Amalina Shadrina, Erry Rimawan



Incidence of Otitis Externa in Insert Headphone Users

Author Name : Hridhay.K.Prit, Dr. Deepak Raj.K



Private Sector Participation in International Ports The PPP Experience and the Road Ahead

Author Name : Dr Lekha Ravi



Behavioral Model of Using Internet Banking Which is Influenced by the Perspective of Perceived Ease of use, Perceived Usefulness, and Trust

Author Name : Rinaldi Alexander, Dudi Permana



Agrimart: Transparent Approach Facilitating Trading for Farmers and Merchants

Author Name : Bhagyashree Nigade, Dr. Mininath Nighot



Microbial Load, Microflora and Quality of Pasteurised Milk

Author Name : S. Sitamahalakshmi, Dr. P. Raja Rao



Factors Affecting Utilization of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria among Pregnant Mothers Attending Antenatal in Kabuyanda Health Centre IV-Isingiro District

Author Name : Oyesigye Fred



Development of 3- Dimensional Fingerprinting Technology using Raman’s Effect

Author Name : Sahil Parvez, Dr. Tarik Mitran, Wasim Raja



Isolation of Mycorrhiza and Its Effect on Yield of Zea mays ( L.) var. rugosa Bonaf. (Sweet corn)

Author Name : Myat Myat Nwe, Lae Lae Aung



Influence of Teacher Related Factors on Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Makueni Sub-County, Kenya

Author Name : Theresia Yula David, Dr. Rebecca Wachira, Paul Mwenda



Analysis of Defect Door: A Case Study In Appliance Product with DMAIC Approach

Author Name : Erry Rimawan, Yulianto, Riko Muri



Assessment of Malaria Infection Rate in Gambella University and Risk Factors that Favors Transmission

Author Name : Melat Solomon, Yohannis Teklu



Analysis The Effect of Fundamental Financial Ratio of ROA, DER, CR, TATO And PBV on Stock Return of Plantation Sub Sector Industry at IDX 2014 – 2017

Author Name : Raulina Siregar, DR Andam Dewi



Post Evaluation of Level III Leadership Training in South Sumatera Province

Author Name : Dra. Efrilia



Analysis of Customer Satisfaction with Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method in One of the Banking Industries

Author Name : Marcely Susanty, Tri Wahyu Ningsih, Muhammad Faizin Rissa



An Attempt for Analyzing the Economic Empowerment Opportunities for Rural Communities – Case Study of Bara Locality in North Kordofan State - Sudan

Author Name : Adam Adoma Abdalla



Analysis of Company Performance Manufacturing Injection Motorcycle Components with Balanced Scorecard Method

Author Name : Supriyati, Jejen Ramdani, Erry Rimawan



Calculation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness Total Productive Maintenance in Improving Productivity of Casting Machines

Author Name : Nila Chandra Sakti, Susiyanti Nurjanah, Erry Rimawan



Proposed Acquisition System Design (Procurement) & Inventory-Based ERP With Soft Systems Methodology Method in the Manufacturing Industry Bags

Author Name : Lifia Citra Ramadhanti, RakayEdhiargoToyosito, Yudhi Arianda, Erry Rimawan



Specificities of Translation of English and Chinese Idioms

Author Name : Salome Tsikhiseli



Chartering Services Development with the QFD Approach: Case Study on Liquid Freight Shipping Companies

Author Name : Fuad Fatahillah, Saryanto, Berby Nindiya, Erry Rimawan



Reducing Demand Urgent Analysis of Production Machine Parts and Supporting Approach to Soft System Methodology

Author Name : Angga Widyas Swara, Woto, Erry Rimawan



Safety in Cleaning of Chemical Storage Tanks using Job Safety Analysis Methods

Author Name : Arief Bagus Arjuna, Syamsul Hadi, Erry Rimawan



Effect of Nitrogen, Borax and Sulphur on Yield of Paclobutrazol Treated Carica papaya L. Fruits

Author Name : Aye Aye Mu, Htaik Htaik Lin



The Impact of the Development of Maritime Sectors on Coarmada II Operational Activities and their Existence in Surabaya: A Dynamic System Approach

Author Name : Chiven Christovel Sondakh, Moch. Haris, Erry Rimawan



Response Analysis of Water Quality Integrity for Sebeya River, Rwanda

Author Name : Francois Hakorimana, Adrien Mugabushaka, Marie Jeanne Byukusenge, Theoneste Twizeyimana



Inventory Management using Demand Driven Material Requirement Planning for Analysis Food Industry

Author Name : Dimas Mukhlis H.F, Jacob IndraEfrialdi, Erry Rimawan



The Effect of Fundamental Analysis on Stock Returns using Data Panels; Evidence Pharmaceutical Companies listed on IDX

Author Name : Trisa Anjani, Andam Dewi Syarif



Comparison between Automated and Manual Approaches to Performance Testing of Java Web Applications

Author Name : Samrat Sandesh Naik Gaonkar, Anusha Pai and Louella Mesquita Colaco



Development Science Learning Media Based on Ispring Suite 8 to Increase Scientific Literacy at Primary School

Author Name : Marina Putriyani, Tjandrakirana, Eko Haryono



Using Science Story Book to Improve Managing Information Skill of Elementary Students

Author Name : Lutfiyan Nurdianah, Tjandra Kirana, Raharjo



Analysis of the Relationship between Expenditure on Oil Imports and Public Spending on Selected Social Services in Kenya




Profitability Analysis in Ultrajaya Milk Industry, TBK Makassar Branch

Author Name : Hikma Niar, Harlina Liong



Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance for 4 Wheeled Omni Wheelchair using a New Type of Mecanum Wheel

Author Name : Carlos Erlan Olival Lima, Shigenori Sano.



Effects of Mediation on Participants’ Satisfaction in Predicting the Influence of Service Quality and Trust on the Loyalty of Insurance Service Users on Not Receiving Wage Workers Participants

Author Name : R. Rachmad Nugra and Mudji Sabar



Role of Market Orientation in Mediating Effect of Entrepreneur Orientation on Competitive Advantag

Author Name : Laura Amelia Triani, Dr. Yulia Hendri Yeni



Implementation of a Decision Support Tool for the Development of Centralised Methanation in Abiergué Watershed

Author Name : Ngono Emgbwang M.C., Kapseu C., Ngassoum M.



The Effect of Work Load and Career Development with Work Satisfaction as a Mediator for Turnover Intention in PT. CN

Author Name : Dwiyan Putri Pristianahadi, Lenny Christina Nawangsari



Impact of Mgnrega on Socioeconomic Conditions of Beneficiaries of Srikakulam District of Andhrapradesh




The Effect of Motivation as a Moderator Variable in The Relationship between Leadership Style, Compensation and Job Satisfaction with the Performance of Employees at PT. Sinarmas Multifinance Padang Branch

Author Name : Fernando, Yulihasri



Prevalence of Sensorinueral Hearing Loss among Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Dialysis in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Author Name : Sneha.S, Dr.K.Shoba



Analysis of the Influence of Learning System and Service Quality towards Word of Mouth through Student Satisfaction (A Case Study on Computer Science Global Class Students)

Author Name : Ardi Pratiwi Maria Fransiska, DR. Mudji Sabar



Exploring Thane: A Heritage Tourist Destination

Author Name : Dr. Indrani Roy



The Influence of Motivation, Leadership Style, and Compensation on Organizational Commitments at PT. Dharma Guna Wibawa

Author Name : Adriel Joel Runkat, Irfan Noviandy Aulia



The Effect of the Organizational Culture on Work Motivation in Relation to Employee Performance at Karawang Regional General Hospital

Author Name : Tubagus Ahmad Darojat



Interpersonal Communication Relation with Student Anxiety Level in Preparing Thesis in Nursery Science Program 2016 – 2017

Author Name : Jems K. R. Maay, Riska P Laili, Yosefine C. Tukayo, Frengki Apay, Ester Rumaseb, Zeth R Fell



The Effect of Occupational Safety and Health and Organizational Culture on Organizational Performance with Communication as a Mediating Variable in PT. PEM

Author Name : Mujino, Lenny Christina Nawangsari



Input variations in Rajasthan Agriculture Since Privatisation: An Inter District Study

Author Name : Rekha Devi



Inter District Variations in Production and Productivity in Rajasthan Agriculture

Author Name : Rekha Devi



The Effect of Work Motivation and Leadership Service on Working Discipline District Office Employees

Author Name : SAMIDI



Creating an Efficient System of Data Collection on the Patients' Adherence Level- with a Special View of the Fbih Health System

Author Name : Lana Lekic, Alen Lekic, Ervin Alibegovic, Jasna Rahimic, Tarik Catic



Optimization of Drug Supplies to Achieve Efficiency in Hospital

Author Name : Ikrar Kurniawan Bahari , Tukhas Shilul Imaroh



The Effect of Pure Regional Income on Flypaper Effect through Government Expenditures of District/City in East Java Province

Author Name : Rumanintya Lisaria Putri, Nazief Nirwanto, Prihat Assih



Crossmatch Transfusion Ratio as Indicators Blood Service Quality

Author Name : Saraswati KD, Cahyaningsih, Utami MN, Wardhana N.



Most Common ENT Diseases in School Going Children (5-15 Years of Age) in our Hospital

Author Name : Abhiraam Jogishetty, Dr. Deepak Raj.K



Raspberry Pi Aided Daily Attendance Management System using Face Recognition

Author Name : Kyaw Swar Thu Yein, Aung Soe Khaing



The Effect of Training Development, Motivation, and Compensation on the Employee’s Work Productivity At Pt. Indojapan Steel Center

Author Name : Ujang Supriatna, Charles Bohlen Purba



Role Played by Bicycles in Rural Employment Diversification in Laikipia County, Kenya

Author Name : Fredrick M. Karema, Evaristus M. Irandu, Paul N. Mbatia.



The Effect of Islamophobia on the Security of Syrian Refugees in Germany

Author Name : Dr. Anton Minardi, Feronika Melinda



An Evaluation of the Morality of Herbal Medicine and Spiritual Healing Advertisement in Ogoja Local Government Area

Author Name : Odey Samuel Odey



A Review on Surface Modified Sterically Stabilized Liposomes

Author Name : Nihala Nazeer, Jicky T Panicker, Rajalekshmi, S.Mathan, S.D.Shaiju



Ca-Markov Model for Simulating Land use Land Cover Dynamics in Rufiji Delta of Tanzania

Author Name : Job Asheri Chaula



Grape- A Potent Oral Health Beneficial Agent Oral Health Care

Author Name : Dr. Keerthi Narayan. V, Dr. Vidhyadharan



Gastric and Umbilical Metastasis of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma

Author Name : Sajjad Hussain



Interpreting the Dynamics of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Relation to Africa's Infrastructure Exigency

Author Name : Charles Okeke



Factors Influencing Stock Return in Coal Mining Sub-Sector Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange in Period of 2011 to 2015

Author Name : Siska Wulandari, Hakiman Thamrin



Plasmon Resonances for (PS:Au)/Ag Composite Nanoshell

Author Name : Rudainah Ali



Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates on the Growth of Two Cultivars of African Eggplant (Solanum macrocarpon L.) in Minna and Abuja, Nigeria

Author Name : Raheem R. A.; V. I. Olowe; Dr. P. O. Ojo; Zidafamor E. J.; Dr Ishiaku O. K.; Dahir R.



Quality of Life in Children after Adenotonsillectomy or Tonsillectomy

Author Name : Lohitha, Dr. Shoba. K



Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction through Purchase Decision at Ramayana Department Store

Author Name : Peylika, Har Adi Basri



Value of pi (π)

Author Name : Namrata khadsang



Occurrence of Some Bird Species in Nga Chauk Kyun Village Environs, Pwint Phyu Township

Author Name : Chaw Su Shwe, Thin Thin Khaing, Sandar Win



The Influence of Local Culture Oriented Contextual Approach to Social Skills and Learning Result of Fifth Grade Students Elementary School

Author Name : Fajar Nur Yasin, Mustaji, Hendratno



Ethnobotanical Study on the Diversity and Utilization of Wild Edible Plants in Majang Zone of Gambella Region, Southwest Ethiopia

Author Name : Yohannis Teklu, Abdulaziz Abduljabar



Retail Intelligent Automation: An Overview

Author Name : Kalyani Kapate, Dr.Y.T.Pawar



Literature Survey on Energy Efficient Wireless Mesh Network during Environmental Monitoring

Author Name : Manish S Kimmatkar, Dr. S. M. Asutkar, Kiran Kimmatkar



Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Imagine the Impossible

Author Name : Faraz Ahmed, Shagoufta Taskeen



Biodiesel Production using Neem Oil with Lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa TEN01

Author Name : Saravanan R, Tamil Elakkiya V, Sivakumar D.B.



Evaluation on Qualitative Characters and Sensory Test of Nitrogen, Borax and Sulphur Treated of Carica papaya L. Fruits in Yangon Region, Myanmar

Author Name : Aye Aye Mu, Htaik Htaik Lin



Preliminary Study on Isolation and Identification of Different Microbes from the Soil of Bago River Near the Village of National Races, Yangon Region in Myanmar

Author Name : Aye Aye Mu



Effect of Social Needs and Award Needs on Job Satisfaction and Its Implementation on Employee Performance at PT. TUV NORD Indonesia

Author Name : Julius Sudiro Tampubolon, M. Havidz Aima, Irjen Pol (Purn) Dr. Drs, Bambang



Improvement of Production Productivity and Process Capability to Create a Production Process Controlled by Quality and Quantity Case Study on the Production Line Assy Element Assy, Factory 2 Production Area, PT. XYZ

Author Name : Martin Darmawan, Mislan, Afifulloh, Erry Rimawan



Improving the Quality of the Procurement of Information Systems in the Indonesia Flight Calibration (BBKFP) with Soft System Methodology

Author Name : Danang Ary Yunanto, Saddam Rasis Rabathi, Daddy Kadarsan, Erry Rimawan



Comparative Study of Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for the Migration from an Existing Network to a New Generation Network

Author Name : Raphaël NLEND, Emmanuel TONYE



Analysis of Strategic Selection to Settlement Conflicting Interests Caused by Noise Intensity in the Workplace with Soft System Base Multi-Methodology Approach: A Case Study in a Manufacturing Company

Author Name : Mochamad Eko Nugroho, Muhammad Zuhdi Prasetyo Nugroho, Yogy Yayang Saputra, Erry Rimawan



Design and Control of Snake-Like Robot for Smooth Terrain

Author Name : Lu Mai, Maung Maung Latt, Ohm Mar Win, Kyaw Zin Latt, Maung Aye



AES Encryption in Artix-7 by using Electromagnetic analysis in Xilinx Forums

Author Name : K.Mounika



Socio-economic Aspects on Fishery of Local People in Kamarse Sanpya Village, Thanatpin Township, Bago Region

Author Name : Swe Swe Win, Sandar Win, Soe Soe Htay, Yee Yee Lwin, Myint Myint Aye



The Effect of the Thermal Performance of the Forms Inspired by Nature in the Design of Tall Buildings A Case Study of the Tree in Cairo Climate

Author Name : Ahmed Fekry, Abass Elza' Farani, Abdulfattah Yahya



In Vitro Root Induction and Acclimatization of Asian Pear (Pyrus betulifolia) in Field

Author Name : Nyo Zin Hlaing, Jiang Shuling



A General Study on Safety of Vulnerable Road Users of Alappuzha District

Author Name : Neeraja Chandrasekhar, B.K. Bindhu



Caring Leadership Mentoring for Charge Nurse in Inpatient Units

Author Name : Ni Made Nopita Wati, Luky Dwiantoro, I Gede Juanamasta



ADC Column-Parallel Readings for CMOS Image Sensors

Author Name : N.Sindhura



Study and Solution of Reactive Power Compensation, Harmonics Mitigation and Load Balancing for Power Factor improvement of Jaipur Metro Power Supply System using Active Harmonic Filters

Author Name : Bharat Lal Mali, Dr. Pramod Sharma



Growth and Feather Development of Alexandrine Parakeets, Psittacula eupatria (Linnaeus, 1766), In Captive Condition

Author Name : Thin Thin Khaing, Sandar Win, Chaw Su Shwe



Development of Fraction Learning Devices Material by using a Realistic Mathematical Approach to Improve Students’ Learning Outcome in Fourth Grade of Elementary School

Author Name : Tatik Idawati, Siti Maghfirotun Amin, Neni Mariana



Analyze Model E-Aproval with Soft System Methodology Methodat Pt. XYZ

Author Name : Bambang Handoko, Glory R, Wahyudin, Budi Saleh Irawan



Enhancing the Compressive Strength of the Fly Ash Brick by Fibre Reinforcement

Author Name : Arul Surya M, Akshai Raj R, Aravinth P, Manickavasakam V, Madan Raja G



Efficiency of MENA Region's Health Systems: Using DEA Approach

Author Name : Rihab Meddeb



Incidence of Right Sided Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Heavy Vehicle Drivers

Author Name : Navidh Ifthikar, Dr. Deepak Raj.K



Altera FPGA’S for Assessment of Low Power and Energy Consumption

Author Name : K. Baby Sai Srija



Seasonal Changes in the Abundance of Prawn Species in Freshwater Environs of Hinthada Township

Author Name : Soe Soe Htay, Swe Swe Win, Yee Yee Lwin, Myint Myint Aye, Sandar Win



Relations among Need for Approval, Loneliness and Personality Traits of Adult Social Media Users

Author Name : Deniz Özmatyatlı, Fatma Gül Cirhinlioğlu



Patterns of Behaviour of Sub-Adult Female Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta) in Yangon Zoological Garden, Myanmar

Author Name : Yee Yee Lwin, Myint Myint Aye, Swe Swe Win, Sandar Win, Soe Soe Htay



Mathematics Models on the Size of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Performance Indicators and their Components

Author Name : Astrit Shartari, Ruzhdi Qerimi, Basri Qerimi, Shefqet Hyseni, Besim Hajra, Sami Uka, Blerim Zeqiri, Teuta Aruçi



Relationship between Weight and Length of Shrimp/Prawn Species Recorded from U-To Creek, Chaungtha, Pathein Township, Ayeyawady Region

Author Name : Myint Myint Aye, Soe Soe Htay, Sandar Win, Swe Swe Win, Yee Yee Lwin



Abundance of Prawn Species around Ayeyarwady River Sector Magway Environ, Myanmar

Author Name : Dr. Sandar Win, Dr. Thin Thin Khaing, Dr Chaw Su Shwe, Dr. Myint Myint Aye



Analysis on Noise Figure of Indium Nitride-based HEMT Design

Author Name : May Nwe Myint Aye, Than Htike Aung, Tin Tin Hla



The Effects of Internal Control and Information Systems of Insurance Services Fraud At Stella Maris Hospital, Makassar

Author Name : Ingeline Chaterine, Syarifuddin, Kartini



Study on Gender Ratios of Shrimp and Prawn Species in U-To Creek, Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar

Author Name : Myint Myint Aye, Yee Yee Lwin, Sandar Win



A Review of Drainage Area Effect on Horizontal Well Productivity Models

Author Name : Aung Ko Oo



The Effect of Audit Experience, Complexity of Duties and Compliance Pressure on Audit Judgment

Author Name : Gunawan, Dr.Yurniwati, Nini Sofriyeni



Why Hiroshima as the Target of US Atomic Bomb in 1945

Author Name : Inas Fathyasyifa Shabrina, I Ketut Surajaya



SNOT-22 Scoring in Patients With Bronchial Asthma

Author Name : Shruthi Bhagyalakshmi. S, Dr. Manoj Kumar. L



Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions through Consumers’ Purchase Intentions to BRI Brizzi E-Money

Author Name : Nurlaela, Har Adi Basri



Spatial Implications of Cancer

Author Name : Deuna Elsin, Preethi Prabhakar



Comparison of Lip Prints, Rugae Pattern and Tongue Prints among Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Population – A Short Study

Author Name : Dr. Abarnalingam, Dr. Shubhalakshmi, Dr. Dinkar Desai, Dr. Gem Singh Christopher



Wireless Sensor Network of 3 – Bit ADC

Author Name : B. Sujitha



The Effect of Promotion, Relationship Marketing, and Service Quality on Recipient Satisfaction of Participants of BPJS (The National Health Care Security) of Workers at Office of Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Branch

Author Name : Bagus Teja Harmoko, Muchsin S. Shihab



The Influence of Religiosity, Corporate Image and Service Quality towards Decision Making of Becoming a Customer of Bank BNI Syariah Jakarta Utara

Author Name : Shinta Arum Kusuma Wardani, DR. Mudji Sabar



Exchange Relationship in Community Social Networks in the Management of the Citarum Watershed

Author Name : Rudi Saprudin Darwis, Risna Resnawaty, Naya Defisa



Startup Legality Settings in the Law of Indonesia to Realize Legal Certification in Investing

Author Name : Maryano, Ryan David Sinaulan



The Effect of Corporate Governance Structure on Sustainability Development: Study of Empirical Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia

Author Name : Lusiani Pratiwi, Eddy R Rasyid, Amy Fontanella



Price Discrimination as a Factor that Affect Trade Credit among Manufacturing Firms of Uganda

Author Name : Joseph B. Yiga Lubega, Benon C. Basheka



How Foreign Aid Effect on Education and Development

Author Name : Shukri Nur Farah



Geographical Perspective of Changing Climatic Conditions in Pune Division of Maharashtra (1901 To 2013)

Author Name : M. B. Hande, B. S. Jadhav



The Effect of Product Related Atributes, Store Related Attributes and Discount Perception on Customer Statisfaction and Retail Patronage at Store 3 Second in Jember City

Author Name : Dyna Septia, Dien Mardiyah



A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Junior Health Assistants (Female) in Relation with the Leading Causes of Maternal Mortality and Morbidity in Selected PHC’S of Bagalkot District Karnataka State

Author Name : Jayashree. Itti, Shilpa. N. Kugali, Dr. Deelip S. Natekar, Mahesh. Koujalagi, Sharavan kumar Lachyan, Nitin. Jakati



Human Resources Planning and Talent Management in PT ANTAM Tbk

Author Name : Hasto Hutomo Syawaluddin, Lenny Christina Nawangsari



Hierarchical Cluster Analysis for Yield and Nutritional Traits in Elite Foxtail Millet Genetic Resources [Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.]




Analysis of the Influence of Product Quality, Price Perception and Advertising Appeals on Purchase Decision of Gbumin

Author Name : Ayu Respati Rachmadani, Dr. Mudji Sabar



Implementation of a Surveillance Health System in Monitoring Activities of Maternal and Infant Deaths Prevention in a Decentralized Health System: Feasibility Study Hospi-Community Based in DR Congo.

Author Name : Lévis Kahandukya Nyavanda, Masauso Chirwa



Design, Fabrication and Measurement of Circular Ring Monopole Antenna for DSRC

Author Name : khaing Wai Pyone, Chaw Myat New, Tin Tin Hla, Su Su Yi Mon, Win Zaw Hein



Analysis on Conversion Efficiency of Homojunction and Heterojunction Solar Cell Using Semiconductor Materials

Author Name : Su Myat Paing, Tin Tin Hla, Saw Aung Nyein Oo



Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality, Rest Area Facilities, and Perceived Price on Customer Satisfaction at The Cipali Toll Road

Author Name : Reka Harjuna Pratama, Mudji Sabar



A Comparison of Alkaline Water and Isotonic Saline Gargles vs Proton Pump Inhibitors for Treatment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

Author Name : R. Rajalakshmi, Dr. Manoj Kumar.L



Assessment of Quantity of Salt Consumption among Hypertensive Patients in a Rural Set up of Thiruvallur District




Methods for Applying the Sigma Ethodology to Reduce Drilling Waste Water Wasteeroperational Treatment in PT. RST (Case Study of Chemical Companies)

Author Name : Tb Dian Hardiansyah, Abby Yazid Bustommy, Fandi Irawan Setioko, Erry Rimawan



Understanding Students Views and Preferences towards Blended Learning in a Civil Engineering Course

Author Name : Jorge Olmedo Montoya Vallecilla and Galena Pisoni



Application Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) To Increase the Effectiveness of Engines with OEE as A Tool to Measure in the Industrial Packaging Cans

Author Name : Mohamad Nasir, Haryo Tuwanggono Morrow, Erry Rimawan



Disaster Risk Management, Education and Business: An Informed Relationship

Author Name : Luís Palacios Merino



The Process of Institutional Resilience in the Republic of Perú

Author Name : Luís Palacios Merino



Development of Student Work Sheets Based on 5E Learning Cycle on Simple Harmonic Materials for Technology and Engineering Programs of Vocational School

Author Name : Handono Suwarno, Agus Suyatna, Posman Manurung



Determined Brand Trust in Insurance: The Effect of Brand Image and Brand Awareness on Purchase Intention (An Empirical Study on BCA Insurance)

Author Name : Riyoko Yudhi Wibowo, Djumarno, Dudi Permana



Comparison of Continuum Constitutive Hyperelastic Models based on Exponential Forms

Author Name : LIMAN KAOYE M. Bien-aimé, BALE B. Blaise, T. BEDA



Revived Article on Alternative Therapy for Cancer

Author Name : Shilpa N. Kugali, Deelip S. Natekar



The Use of Dismantled Construction Waste as a Alternative in Fresh Concrete

Author Name : Krushna S. Sonawane, Rutuja B. Niphade



Incidence of Temporary Threshold Shift after MRI (Head and Neck) In Tertiary Care Centre

Author Name : Suraj Choudhary



Evaluation of the Levels of Serum Albumin among Healthy Subjects, Gingivitis and Periodontitis Patients and Their Correlations

Author Name : Satendra Sharma, Jithendra K.D, Shailendra S chauhan, Aditya Sinha, Siddharth Sisodiya, Neha Sharma



Analysis to Increase Decisions Purchase on Masterlock Products

Author Name : Christian Tanjung Parlindungan Hutapea, Mirza



A Review of Various Approaches for Cancer Diagnosis

Author Name : Santosh Kumari Bhakal, Ravinder Singh



Computer Aided Diagnostic Approach for Melanoma Diagnosis Using Neural Networks

Author Name : Santosh Kumari Bhakal, Ravinder Singh