“Estimation & Quality Control of Residential G+3 Building”

Authors : G.Ramakrishna, V.Ramakrishna, G.Vineeth Reddy, D.karthik Reddy, P.Sandeep.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/rXCN1m

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

we can estimate the cost of the building before we construct . In any construction project, the probable cost of construction which is known before hand is known as the estimated cost. And hence it is quite essential for the arrangement of financial resources for the completion of any construction project. In this project, the main aim was to find out the detailed estimate of quantities of all the structural aspect of G+3 building. The Sunway Opus Grand Neville is a result of a joint venture between Sunway City of Malaysia and Opus of Hyderabad, India. It also awims in finding out the probable cost, or the estimated cost of the project based on the computation of these quantities. The structural aspects considered for the estimation of quantities are earthwork in excavation and backfilling, concrete work in foundation and in R.C.C structures such as beams, columns, slabs, staircases etc., steel reinforcement in beams, columns and other R.C.C structures and brickwork in superstructure. The computation of quantities was carried out based on the drawings of various structural elements, such as the each floor plan, footings and columns layout, beams layout, staircases layout, footing specifications and column specifications, which have also been provided in this document. These details provide an idea for requirement of quantities for a particular project and also the likely expenditure which would be needed to be arranged .This documentation also provides the abstract of the estimated cost for the structural aspects.

Keywords : NBC, ETABS, Multi-storied Building, Isolated Footing, Open Newel Quarter Turn Staircase, Estimation.


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