Authors : Fastabiqul Hanif; Lanny Sunarjo; Bedjo Santoso; Masrifan Djamil; Ari Suwondo; Dyah Fatmasari
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN964
The problem experienced by blind children is
that difficult to do self-activity especially in behavioral
dental and oral health care. One of the behavioral
change strategies for blind children is through dental
and oral health education with counseling activities
which should put attention to the characteristics of the
blind child as well as utilize the hearing and touch
senses by implementing 3D Braille Media. It is a
development of 3D printing media comprising
procedure of proper tooth brushing. The aim of this
research is to create 3D Braille as a media of learning to
improve tooth brushing skills for blind children. We
implemented Research and Development (R & D)
method which has five stages of research: data
collection, design and build, expert validation, model
test and model result. It’s performed in the Quasy
experiment pre-test and post-test with control group
design sample divided into 2 groups, of which 15 blind
children were in intervention group using 3D Braille
media and 15 blind children were in control group using
Braille flipcharts. The data used intraclass corellation
coeffiecient test, paired and independent sample
test. The results show that 3D Braille is worthy of a
learning media about tooth brushing with p-value of
0.000. Besides, it is more effective in improving tooth
brushing skills with p-value of 0.002, as well as lowering
the index debris with p-value of 0.020. According to the
results of the research, it can be inferred that the
impementation of 3D Braille Media model is more
effective in improving the tooth brushing skills and
lowering the index debris compared to Braille
Keywords : 3d Braille, Blind Children, Tooth Brushing Skills.