IUGR is a common complication, which
contributes significantly to antenatal or perinatal
morbidity and mortality. The development of a fertilized
ovum into a complex fully formed and healthy fetus is
one of the most fascinating wonders of nature. Growth is
an essential feature of life. The process of growth starts
from the time of conception and continues until
adulthood. The term IntraUterine Growth Restriction
(IUGR) refers to a condition in which a fetus is unable to
achieve its genetically determined potential size. In
Ayurvedic literature, many natural formulations
are barren of side effects and offer holistic care in
the management of growth restriction. Hence, an
effort was attempted through this text to review the
Ayurvedic literature regarding Garbhashosha (IUGR)
and its management.
Keywords : Garbhashosha, Yonistrava, Abdominal girth, Ponderal index, Bleeding per vaginum, IUGR.