Acute appendicitis is most common abdominal
surgical condition which is more common in young males
and white races.But its diagnosis can be difficult because
it can mimic other abdominal conditions. Various
scoring systems/ techniques have been devised to assist in
its diagnosis specially in equivocal cases. Accuracy of
ModifiedAlvarado score has been reported low in Asian
population and RIPASA score was devised specially for
Asian population.
The aims of this study were to evaluate the
sensitivity and specificity of RIPASA score and
ModifiedAlvarado score in diagnosis of acute
This study was carried out in I.G. medical college
teaching hospital Shimla from July 2015 to August2018
in patients with the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. A
total of 200 cases that underwent surgery for suspected
acute appendicitis were included. Modified Alvarado
score and RIPASA scores were computed for each
patient and the suggested cutoff value 7.5 for RIPASA
and 7 for MAS were used to find out the accuracy of
these scores. Post-operative histopathological report was
correlated with different scoring systems.
RIPASA scoring system correctlydiagnosed
histologically proved ac. appendicitis in 97.17%
patients&had specificity of 69.56% with cut of value of
7.5. While MAS sensitivity for diagnosing ac.appendicitis
was 64.97% with cut off value of 7 and had 47.82%
RIPASA scoring system is more
accurate,convenient as compared to modified Alvarado
score in our studied population.
Keywords : RIPASA score, Modified Alvarado (MAS) scoring systems, ac. Appendicitis