Heavy metal pollution is one of the major pollution in today’s world. The aim of the study is to remove heavy metals based on the treatment method applied to leachate from a municipal waste landfill i.e. BEIL situated in Ankleshwar. As there were many issues related to presence of heavy metals in this industry, we have decided to take IDP based project to remove heavy metals from leachate. The sources of heavy metals in leachate are industrial waste, municipal waste and many other waste. The highest concentrations of heavy metals found in leachate are from young landfills in the acid fermentation phase and at very low pH. pH becomes neutral and there is decrease in concentration of heavy metals due to solubility at both maturation and stabilization phases. Heavy metals such as zinc, lead, cadmium and nickel are present in relatively high concentration at landfill site. This treatment includes two processes: (i) Physical (ii)Biological. The physical treatment includes removal of heavy metals by filtration mechanism using low cost orange and banana peels. The biological treatment includes various bacteria for removal of heavy metals. It is a comparative study of both the processes and can conclude the result.