Laryngopharyngeal reflux is a condition in which
there is backward flow of stomach content to the larynx
and pharynx and its contact with upper aerodigestive
This study is aimed to determine whether
treatment with alkaline water and isotonic saline
gargles with standard reflux precautions only can
improve symptoms of laryngopharyngeal reflux
compared with proton pump inhibitors with standard
reflux precautions.
Materials and method
It is a prospective study conducted on sample size
of 120. Patients were diagnosed with LPR using reflux
symptom index. After four weeks of treatment RSI was
studied again to see improvements. A 6- point reduction
in the RSI score was considered to be significant.
Out of 60 treated with proton pump inhibitors, 45
(75%) were responders and out of 60 treated with
alkaline water and isotonic saline gargles, 39 (65%)
were responding to the treatment.
It was found that treatment with alkaline water
and isotonic saline gargles was significantly effective but
not more than proton pump inhibitors. Hence for long
term treatment, alkaline water and isotonic saline
gargles would be a better alternative.
Keywords : Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, Proton Pump Inhibitors, Reflux Symptom Index, Alkaline Water, Isotonic Saline Gargles.