Cloud Computing is used for the provision of
Information access over the internet for both
technological and economic purposes .In recent years,
theCloud computing Services has grown very rapid and
sharp, therebyincreasing the sophistication of the
technology behind these services. Effectively and
efficientlyMonitoring is required to run and maintain
such complex infrastructures properly.
Cloud storage properties, characteristics underlying
technologies have been surveyed by several works of
literature, existing workslack of comprehensive cloud
Monitoring study .to fill this gap, we provide a cloud
Monitoring survey. We begin evaluation of Cloud
Monitoring motives, including concepts and context as
well.Then,we systematically examine and explore the
properties of a cloud management framework, the
problems resulting from such properties, and How
literature has approached those concerns. We also
identify existing systems both Commercial and Open
Source and Cloud management software, how they
contribute to the previously described properties and
problems,finally,in the area of cloud management we
recognize open issues, key problems and potential paths.
Keywords : Multitenancy,Monitoring,Security,Privacy,Access control,Virtualization