Stress and Suicide has a significant correlation with each other. A large body of research shows
consistent relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and suicide risk. Clinical and
psychological autopsies have led to development of clinical signs and symptoms in assessing suicide
potential (Murphy 1974; Pokorny 1960; Schneidman & Farberow 1957). Suicide is the act of killing
yourself, most often as a result of depression or other mental illness (American Psychological
Association) Stress is a physical response that our body gives to any particular event or a problematic
situation. When the body experiences stress, it undergoes a fight or flight situation (Lazarus,1984).
The main objective of this research paper is - Comparative analysis of male and female in terms
of suicide probability and stress. Among all over the world, 8 lakhs suicidal deaths take place, which
means in every 40 seconds 1 suicidal death occurs. Therefore, the rationale of this study was to co-
relate Stress and Suicide because stress proves as a beginning stage which later turns into depression
and ultimately suicide. The sample size comprised of 100 males and 100 female’s college going
students from colleges in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar. The age of the subjects ranges from 17-20
and 21-24. The tools used include Perceived Stress Scale by Sheldon Cohen and Suicide Probability
Scale by John G. Cull and Wayne S. Gill.
Keywords : Stress, Suicide, Co-Relation, Suicide Probability Scale, Perceived Stress Scale.