Nations are keen to invest in quality education
since it is the driver for economic growth and
competitiveness. The concept of World-Class University
(WCU) is inspired by both internationalization of higher
education and differentiation strategy. The paper aims to
shed light on the key features, enablers, and strategies for
WCS through a critical literature review. The
methodology is based on content analysis to devise sound
policies for developing WCU in GCC. The study reveals
key attributes that define WCU in a global context. WCU
inspires universities to re-visit the value proposition and
develop foresight to respond to market demands and
policy agenda. Adopting WCU as a target and brand
implies the need for digital transformation that will
influence universities' structure and processes, which will
foster a new culture of excellence and innovation. The
study recommends articulating a unique model for a WCU
that is informed by local knowledge and culture
Keywords : World-class University (WCU), Education Strategy, Higher Education, Education Quality, Knowledgebased Economy, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).