A Cross-Platform Attendance System using GPS and FingerPrint Scanning through Smartphones using Xamarin Forms

Authors : Pratiksha Ashok Naik, Dr. Jagadeesh Pujari.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2K5Ida6

In this generation the mobile developers want their application to be available on all the different platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows. These Platforms will have its own environment and language hence its difficult and time consuming for a developer to develop the apps. Keeping this as a consideration many cross platform technologies have come into picture. Using Xamarin Forms you can write the business Logic and UI once and share among the different platforms. The main Moto of this project is to execute a way that is easier, convenient and more users friendly. The user can download the app on their smartphones, and by scanning the fingerprint they can provide the attendance and also the tracking of the individual throughout the working hours is more efficiently done by using GPS.

Keywords : Xamarin Forms, GPS, Fingerprint Scanning.


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