This paper describes the development of a decision support system in order to address some of the problems identified in vegetable crop production in the Philippines. These problems include the excessive use of some agricultural inputs and the effects of climate change in agricultural production. Traditionally, farmers tend to increase agricultural inputs in the hope of getting higher production yield without realizing that the quality of the crop might be reduced and the increase in inputs may not significantly increase the production yield. Moreover, due to the changes in the weather patterns, farmers can no longer rely on the traditional planting calendars.In this paper, a model is formulated to optimize vegetable crop production considering the negative effects of climate change by restructuring the traditional planting calendars of certain vegetable crops according to the changing trends of important climate parameters such as temperature and rainfall. Intercropping is also integrated into the system to further optimize the use of some agricultural inputs. This is implemented through developing a web-based decision support system to provide a tool for farmers to simulate the production given the necessary inputs.The results were evaluated by local agriculturists, experts, and farmers and they have agreed on the usability and reliability of the results. The accuracy of the model was also evaluated by comparing the predicted values and actual values which results to a low RSME (root mean square error) value of 0.6. A lower RSME value means higher accuracy.
Keywords : Decision Support System, Vegetable Crop Production, Climate Change Adaptation, Web-Based System