Although development banks are not for profit
making, they are mandated with providing much needed
financial services and assistance to South Africans.
Nevertheless, the bulk of South Africa's development
banks have recently suffered financial loses, while others
have seen their earnings decrease. This paper argues that,
to maximise performance and the subsequent success,
development banks must align their information
technology and business strategies. The argument is that
when an organisation's business and information
technology strategies are aligned, that improve
performance and in turn may increase profits. The
business problem is that South African development
banks lack a guiding framework for aligning business and
information technology strategies. This paper utilises a
case study research strategy to describe how business and
information technology alignment can be achieved
through thorough strategic planning and execution. The
paper employs business and information technology
alignment models as lenses to show when and how
information technology could better enable the business
processes in South African development banks, when
there is alignment. The paper provides a framework for
business and information technology alignment.
Keywords : Alignment, Business Strategy, IT Strategy, Development Banks, South Africa