Compared to the last few decades and past
developments in computer and communication
technologies along with the internet have provided
advanced changes in all of our lives. However, it also
opened a whole new frontier for us regarding the security
of the system. For example, the privacy of personal
information, the security of stored data, availability of
stored information, etc. Ensuring the cybersecurity of an
enterprise is the work of SIEM systems (Software
Information and Event Management). At the SIEM level,
the system provides the report regarding the malicious
user’s intrusion attempts as well as any other dangerous
activities on the system. Many of these alerts are however
false and are not that dangerous to be avoided so that the
prior and important issues of the system are faced like
intrusion detection and vulnerable ports. Machine
Learning can effectively help us in analyzing the system
throughout all the safety parameters to detect all the
threats on the system and classify them according to the
severity of the alert as well as the frequency at which that
particular alert is arriving at the system.
Keywords : Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Intrusion Detection, Software Information And Event Management, Risky User Detection