Everything in this world has some advantages and disadvantages. Sorting is a data structure operation, which is used for making easy searching and arranging of element or record. There are many fundamental and advance sorting algorithms. Some sorting algorithms are problem specific means they work well on some specific problem not all the problem. Sorting algorithms help searching data quickly and in this way its saves time. Arranging the record or element in some mathematical or logical order is known as sorting. Mainly sorting may be either numerical or in alphabetical. In numerical sorting we will sort numeric value either in increasing order or decreasing order and in alphabetical sort we will sort the alphabetical value. Sorting is an algorithm that arranges all elements of an array, orderly. Sorting involves rearranging information into either ascending or descending order. In computer science and mathematics, sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order, not necessarily in increasing order; it may be in decreasing order as well. Efficient sorting is important to optimizing the use of other algorithms that require sorted list to work efficiently; it is also useful for producing human-readable output. Most simple sorting algorithms involve two steps which compare two items and swap two items or copy one item. In this thesis we present a new sorting algorithm, named as Modified Selection Sort algorithm, which is faster than selection sort. After studying various sorting algorithms; I found that there are no such sorting algorithms which work on the basis of selecting two elements at a time, means selecting two elements simultaneously. We also compare Modified Selection Sort algorithm with selection sort. We have used the MATLAB for implementation. The new algorithm is analyzed, implemented & tested.
Keywords : About Sorting, Selection Sort, Algorithm, Complexity of HSSA, Comparison between HSSA and MSSA.