A Pervasive Transnational Organized Crime: Human Trafficking along Zambia’s Katima Mulilo Border

Authors : Prosper Ng’andu, Lewis Bwalya Chilufya

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2MIdZeJ

There has been escalation of transnational organized crime (TOC) globally in view of the manifestation of globalization which has ripped off traditional. Besides, the scourge has also been exacerbated by the end of cold war that has spurred TOC like human trafficking which is one of the major trans-border crimes that have perpetuated Sub-Sahara Africa including Zambia through various borders among them Katima-mulilo border. This article analyses the causes and effects of transnational organized crimes in relation to human trafficking to the security of Zambia as well as the possible solution to curb the vice. Katima-Mulilo Border with Namibia was chosen as a case study area due to rampant reports of human trafficking transiting through. The article drawn from a qualitative case study methodology in which data was collected using secondary sources and units, categories and condensation was formed to analyze the data. This secondary sources data was collected from text books, journals, newspapers, seminar papers, internet materials and documentary sources and reports. The secondary data was triangulated with primary data collected from victims through walking interview. Human Trafficking or trafficking in persons is TOC in the sense that it involves more than one person. Therefore, this article applies Rational Choice Theory, the theory appropriate for study of such criminology in international frontier. Rational choice theory helps to articulate how people behave individually in relation to frontier crime like human trafficking. The study established a number of factors attributed to the scourge inter –alia; poverty, porous borders, corruption and high number of orphans owing to the deaths of their parents through HIV/AIDs that consequently puts pressure on the security of Zambia as most victims were vulnerable children and women. The article recommends for effective and efficient implantation of Zambia 7th National Development Plan (7th NDP) together with Act 11 of 2008 on the Anti- Human Trafficking and other Anti Trans-border Crime related.

Keywords : Transnational Organized Crime, Human Trafficking, Border, Katima-Mulilo and Zambia.


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