Necrotizing Fasciitis is a severe soft tissue infection characterized by sudden course and poor outcomes. It most ordinarily presents within the extremities, trunk, genitalia, and perineum. It rarely involves the lips. Here we are reporting a twenty years old male presented with painful swelling and blackish discoloration of the lower lip which was developed following scraping of a furuncle on the left lower lip and had the feature of sepsis. Clinical examinations and lab parameters suggestive of NSTI lower lip with Sepsis. The patient was immediately put on broad spectrum IV Antibiotics followed by emergency incision, drainage, and debridement of necrotic tissue on the lower lip and submental region. Postoperatively he was managed with IV antibiotics and daily saline dressing. He recovered well after three weeks without any complications.
Keywords : Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection; Necrotizing Fasciitis; Sepsis.