Typhoid fever is an essential universal public
health concern, although its occurrence is abundant in
developing nations. In developing nations, typhoid is
associated mainly with poor hygiene and sanitation,
crowding and population overburden. Hepatitis is
relatively common, especially anicteric hepatitis in
typhoid, but both hepatic & renal participation in a
single patient is an infrequent occurrence in typhoid
fever. As stated an unusual case of typhoid showing
hepatitis & acute kidney injury in the same patient. A
22–year old young male presented with pain abdomen,
fever, and diarrhoea and found to have increased
bilirubin, liver enzymes ,blood urea, & creatinine.
Widal and Typhidot test were +ve in the patient. Patient
symptoms subsided and disturbed parameters resolved
by treatment for typhoid fever.
Keywords : Typhoid fever, Acute kidney injury, hepatitis, Widal test, Typhi Dot