The world and Africa has enjoyed sustained economic growth since the arrival of globalization, weathering many economic crises. Africa’s GDP and GNP have risen substantially; the economy has become more diversified; and Africans today enjoy a quality of life seemingly comparable to that found in advanced economies. Together, Africans are in the course of building a region-state that they will be proud of. These have been achieved by restructuring the economy repeatedly, adapting to evolving global as well as domestic circumstances, developing higher skills in the workforce, growing an innovative economy, and building distinctive global cities. Although productivity performance has been weak in the domestically-oriented sectors, overall real productivity of GDP issued by the African Development Bank grew by 5.6% per annum (p.a.) between 2013 and 2017. IMF statistics shows a GDP growth rate of Africa to be 3.7% p.a. between 2013 to 2023.
Since “Ideas do not emerge perfectly formed”, acknowledging what has already been done is recorded of great effort to achieve an absolute region-state continent, more is still needed to be done in reshaping this great idea and to bring Africa to the place of that prophesy dictated by several international business observers stating that “Africa is the future economic growth engine of the world”. Seeing that the world today is very different from the start of a decade or two with so many unexpected changes in the global order, which may threaten significant geopolitical and economic cutoffs, but Africa should be pattern in such a way that irrespective of the way the world goes, it will need to adapt.
This research paper is geared at framing a picture of the Africa of a regionalized state that will deepen and diversify international connections, acquire and utilize deep skills, strengthen enterprise capabilities to innovate and scale up, build strong digital capabilities, develop a vibrant and connected nation-states of opportunities, develop and implement Industry’s transformation opportunities and partner with other continents to enable world advancement, innovations and growth. Taking in to consideration that all so far done by the political, economic, scientist, ITs, regulators and international organizations have gone a great length to reshaping this agenda, my contribution will be to bring a clearer view of their interconnections, coordination, taking off barriers and presenting better opportunities.