The concept of stress is emerging as a topic of
utmost importance in an individual's life. Stress serves to
have a strong impact on the various aspects of our life,
adversely affecting our moods, work performances,
relationships and energy levels. Occupational stress is one
of the most important perspectives of stress which is
affecting the working community on a large scale. A
survey on the stress levels on working professionals
occupying different designations and the scenarios that
poses a load on them has been conducted and the results
have been evaluated and tabulated. Since people are
acquainted with the negative impacts of increased stress,
there is a huge quench for various applications and
advanced devices that resort to measure and assess the
intensity of stress in real-life on a daily basis. The latest
scientific evolution and technological developments help
researchers and aids them to build and find new
techniques with the help and development of advanced
methods and approaches. This paper explores the
traditional methodologies adapted to assess stress and also
discusses the latest methods of stress assessment that
forces to reject the conventional techniques.
Keywords : Stress; Traditional Approaches; Modern Techniques; Questionnaires;