This review consists basic parameters of Electro Phonetic Deposition that indulges in the graphene-related material coating over the base material. A detailed study on the deposition bath is done and its effect on the efficiency of the coating is established. Major material switch increase the mechanical property (corrosion resistance, wear rat infraction coefficient, interfacial shear strength) of base metal are Nickle, cobalt, copper, tungsten, HAP. Structural characterizes the composition of the bath, temperature, current density, time for deposition play a vital role in the performance of the GRM sover the basemetals. I norder to confirm their impact material characterization techniques like SEM,FESEM,AFMEDS,XRD,FTIR,Raman Spectro scopy,Vickers hardness test, Friction test using sliding ball. Generally, SEM is tested for surface morphology,EDS for checking the amount of Graphene platelets coated ,XRD view grain size and crystal orientation, Vickers hardness to measure the hardness value after and before coating, the Tribological behavior are tested via friction test using sliding ball over the specimen.
Keywords : EPD, Graphene, GRMs.