This work demonstrates a model that
enhances security and predictive analytics of cloud-based
clinical and patients’ medical records for hospital
management systems with adequate storage capacity,
access to data for only authorized users, low cost medical
services and implementation. The enhanced system uses
Two-Factor Authentication (Password and Token) to
grant access to authorized users in the system.
Specifically aiming at providing greater security for
sensitive information transmission, thereby enhancing
the level of security in hospital management systems. The
application was built with Python programming
language, Django framework and machine learning
algorithm with the capability to handle analytics. The
efficiency of the model developed was tested and
observed to be higher than previous models in terms of
Security, Stakeholders’ Participation, Access Control,
Data Privacy and Flexibility.Thetoken authentication
and verification time were performed and an average of
10.95 seconds is required to access a patient’s medical
record which is not significant enough to compromise
Keywords : Cloud Computing, Electronic Medical Record, Data Mining, Two-Factor Authentication