Workplace culture is a very important
component of actual management activities in higher
institutions of learning. Most recently, academics have
been interested in undertaking an investigation on the
institutional perception that offers administrative
success in higher institutions of learning. Moreover,
some people need to examine the topologies of
institutional culture to comprehend the institutional
conducts in universities. The reason for undertaking this
research is to reconnoiter on the idea of the present
institutional workplace culture at Institute of Public
Administration and Management (IPAM), University of
Sierra Leone faculty academic and administrative staff
in order to help build on the already existing effective
management strategies. The competing Value
Framework was used to help recognise the institutional
culture type IPAM is practicing. The Competing Value
Framework helps evaluate the most dominant
institutional culture practiced, founded on the four
culture types by Cameron and Quinn (1999); Clan,
Hierarchy, Adhocracy and Market. From the results of
this study, IPAM faculty displays the hierarchy culture
type as the most dominant. As an institution, IPAM is
represented by the hierarchy culture characteristic
which focuses on the interior upkeep with steadiness,
followed by procedural processes. Authorities in
hierarchical culture trait at IPAM are efficiently
organising and managing functions to continue an even
running institution. IPAM at the moment is to a larger
extent engaged in the use of hierarchy culture, though
not at its fullest, but is the most dominant culture type
practiced. It implies that IPAM’s mission, vision, and
core values, to some extent not directly being met with
the dominant culture type practice at the moment.
Furthermore, second most dominant culture type, the
market culture is aligned to a larger extent with the
strategic objectives of the institution, where it is
characterised on result achievement, high competition,
etc. Academics that have studied institutional culture
have specified that mission, vision, core values, and
strategic objectives of institutions must not be in conflict
with the current culture an institution practices, and
must work together to augment efficiency of the
Keywords : Workplace Culture, Competing Value Framework, Nature and Impact