Renewable energy has evolved substantially to meet the growing needs of this ever-advancing world. With growing environmental concern, and imminent limits to fossil fuel consumption, wind power has regained it’s place as one of the most promising renewable energy source. The most primarily used wind energy conversion systems are the high-speed wind turbines. Due to the extreme effectiveness and the availability of large markets for these turbines, the potential of the Vertical axis turbine, is getting overshadowed. Very meagre amount of research has been put into this field as compared to horizontal types. There are two distinctly different types of vertical axis wind turbines: The Darrieus and the Savonius types. Although these turbines are available in the market, they have not been optimized fully. This paper seeks to fabricate and study a hybrid vertical axis turbine and shed some light on the same by virtue of exploring the possibilities the turbines have to offer. The main reason for using these turbines is that they have a very simple mechanical structure and have a very adaptive design i.e. they can use existing structures as mountings. The vertical axis turbines are capable of catching wind from all directions and, although less efficient, these turbines hardly suffer from the constantly varying gravitational loads that limit the size of horizontal turbines. Economic analysis proclaims that if a vertical axis turbine with a rated output of 10MW could be developed, with at least the same availability as a modern horizontal axis turbine, but at a lower cost per unit of rated power, then a slightly lower blade efficiency as 56% to about 19-14% would hardly be of any significance.
Keywords : Wind Energy, Darrieus Turbine, Savonius Turbine, H-VAWT.