- Various species of canavalia Ensiformis have
been extensively studied for their Nutritional evaluation.
Canavalia Ensiformis is expected to possess many
constituents among them tannins, saponins are major
constitutes.so due to presence of tannins Canavalia
Ensiformis may possess Anthelmintic activity. In present
work Metabolic and Aqueous extract of pods of
canavalia Ensiformis were evaluated for its Anthelmintic
activity against earthworm at four different
concentration1, 2, 5, 10 mg/ml. The Anthelmintic activity
of aqueous extract and Methanolic extract was
comparable with standard drug (Piperazine Citrate
1mg/ml).Worms are collected and washed with normal
saline solution and kept in phosphate buffered saline
solution pH 7.5 to 8.0 until further use. Standard drug
solution was prepared in Distilled water. Activity was
evaluated by the time required for paralysis and death of
worms by extracts. The data shows Methanolic extract
possess comparable Anthelmintic activity with standard
drug. The result shows that the plant has the potential to
be used as Anthelmintic.
Keywords : Canavalia Ensiformis, Anthelmintic Activity, Earthworms, Flatworms.