Background :
Infrapaetallar bursa, is located just below the
kneecap to essentially reduce the friction between
structures such as muscle,tendon, and skin to slide over
bony surface without catching, during the weight bearing
activity. Infrapatellar bursistis is one the common
bursistis seen in the knee joint due to repitive strain and
irritation to the patella tendon, often from jumping
activities. This condition mainly interferes with daily
activites like walking, and long standing.
To find out the combined therapeutic effects of low
level laser therapy and MCconnell taping in improving
pain reduction and range of motion (functional activity)
in subjects with Infrapatellar bursistis.
A Convenient sample of subjects with Infrapatellar
bursistis was taken from Saveetha medical collage and
hospital and the subjects were divided into two groups,
Group-1(control group)who were diagnosed with
Infrapatellar bursistis and were subjected to ultrasonic
therapy for 15 minutes along with MCconnell taping,
Group-2(Experimental group) who were diagnosed with
Infrapatellar bursistis and were subjected to low level
laser therapy for 15 minutes along with MCconnell
taping to reduce the pain more effectively. Post-test NPRS
were taken and documented for statistical analysis.
Outcome measures:
Numerical pain rating scale for knee pain.
Statistical analaysis was done to identify the
difference between pre and post test measurements by
paired t-test analysis. The two- tailed p- value is less
than0.0001 by this difference it is considered to be
statistically significant.
The combination of low level laser therapy and
along with MCconnell taping was effective in pain
reduction in subjects with Infrapatellar bursistis.
Keywords : Knee Bursitis, NPRS, Low Level Laser Therapy,MC Connell Taping.