A Study on Investment Preference by the People in Lucknow City, India

Authors : Aishwarya Lakhmani, Ekansh Choudhary, Voona Srikar

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2z0zB0k

People nowadays are becoming more financially aware of the various investment options available be it debt, equity, mutual funds or the highend investment options like portfolio management system or real estate, etc. Researchers have tried to study how the behavior of people affects their investment focusing on each option separately particularly mutual funds. However, this study primarily focuses on the need to understand that which are the deciding factors that play a major role while selecting from the basket of investment avenues. Also, this study is done in Lucknow city, India by the means of collecting primary sources of data through the distribution of a close-ended questionnaire.

Keywords : Investment Pattern, Behavior, Factors, Preference. I


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