Third gender, or third sex, is a concept in
which individuals are categorized, either by themselves
or by society, as neither man nor woman. It is also a
social category present in societies that recognize three
or more genders
Tamil Nadu is one of the states which has advanced
a lot in the way the people think and act on social issues.
Tamilnadu was the first state of India to introduce a
transgender welfare policy, wherein transgender
individuals can access free sex reassignment surgery in
government hospitals and various other benefits and
rights. The current study focuses on the mental state
(self-awareness level) of the transgender which in turn is
likely to affect their physical health adversely. With their
limited acceptability and discrimination prevalent in the
society, their, access to healthcare is also minimal though
the state had provided a lot of benefits for them in this
Keywords : Transgender, Third Gender, Mental Health, Healthcare