A Study on the Awareness of Consumer Interest-In Ariyalur Distric with Special Reference in Jayankondam Area

Authors : Dr. V.Balakrishnan, K.Sathya, P.Selvarani.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/cCwqYG

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

The concept of consumerism has been in existence for some time in varied definition in countries other than India. The current concept of consumerism is said to have originated in U.S.A. in 1900 A.D in the US in that late 19th century public clamor began to rise against unscrupulous sellers of certain products with a demand for new laws and Government intention to protect the consumer. The association deals in three important areas – Consumer education, protection and representation. The products of some goods also consume various other goods produced by the service from others. In fact lack of awareness in the single major problems in the path of consumer protectionism. The consumer has a number of rights, he has numerous laws to protect him, he has a number of voluntary consumer organizations to help him, and he has Government support also

Keywords : Awareness of old age, middle age peoples, statistical tables, and chi-square test.


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