A Study on Water Absorbing Road by Pervious Concrete

Authors : Ashish Kumar Kanoujia, Hanumant Sharan Singh

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2WSTS1m

Pervious concrete which help to absorb water and going to be future modern technique in construction. As with the help of pervious concrete we can take a security of water logging, caused accident through pits on other hand due to pervious concrete we can generate beauty of road by not collecting water on the site of the roads and help to maintain environment too. Pervious concrete properties help in recharging water table, effective movement of runoff. Pervious concrete can be used in the rural surrounding area, parking working lane, hospital working lane, which help to absorb water and does not caused any accident due to water present on the surface of the road.

Keywords : Pervious Concrete, Recharging, Environmental Effect, Strength.


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