A Study on Wavelet Based Approaches for Information Embedding

Authors : Rachana Mittal , Ajay Khunteta

Volume/Issue : Volume 1 - 2016, Issue 3 - June

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/1Zpnjq

A remarkable growth is seen in the use of digital image now a day’s including various applications which are involved in our day to day life like image-on-demand, digital television, image-conferencing, advertising, surveillance, entertainment and distance learning. Many user experience digital image when they watch a motion picture recorded on a digital video disc (DVD) or downloaded over the internet. The digital image’s proliferation are encouraged into many more applications by improving the compression technology which results into better authoring and editing tools as well as more available bandwidth in digital communication networks and lower cost capture and display devices. This article discuss a detailed survey on the watermarking of gray level images over colored image.

Keywords : wavelet, haar, daubechies, sine transform, component analysis.


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