A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Module Regarding Oral Health Care among 10-14 Years Old Children in Chakore Primary School

Authors : Prasad N Patil, Bhatane Laxman, Bolegave Shradha.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 11 - November

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/SmMiBF

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/KTXLC3

The Children age group of 10-14 years are particularly vulnerable to infection, malnutrition, dental caries etc,and need special care.The child development and health status of schooler children can be studied in so many perspectives, hence investing on children today can be the best possible strategies for future development. Therefore the study designed to assess the oral care health status of schooler children in selected primary school in chakore. Introduction Oral hygiene means the brushing the clients or children teeth or cleaning the dentures according to the children usually routine oral. Oral hygiene is provided to maintain the integrity of the children teeth ,gums,mucus membrane and lips Oral health is a major public health issue affecting all groups of the population. Poor oral health outcomes in childhood & throughout adulthood , as people remain susceptible to developing dental caries throughout their lives. The world health organization understands major impact of oral health on the health of an individual as well as the population & has placed major emphasis on improving oral health in all the populations. India has a one of the largest country in dental problem in school going children especially in rural area. It has many dental problems in children such as local infection , halitosis , dental caries , dental plaque , calculus , tartar , periodontal diseases , pyorrhea ,surds , bleeding gums stomatitis these all dental problems that affects the children health. The rural India has been the most neglected in terms of oral health maintenance due to financial constrain and lack of education . In the school going children of rural area gingivitis , fluorosis dental caries , stomatis is most common .The lack of oral problems in children to educate the rural area parents in the dental education programme .in improving oral health knowledge & oral hygiene practice among the school children. Health education was undertaken with the use of charts , posters , PPT regarding the oral hygiene oral health prevent the children by the guidance of the children parents . By the educating the parents in oral health of the children Parents and caregivers knowledge of oral health for their school children.


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