A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program Regarding the Knowledge of Psycho Active Substance Abuse and its Consequences on Gener

Authors : Dr. Chetan S Patali, Dr. Susheelkumar Ronad, Suvarna S Pinnapati

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 11 - November

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/m6pXUq

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/KTXLC3

Substance abuse Addiction may be a physical and mental state concern. It’s a true malady with real treatment choices, however an individual has got to enkindle facilitate before he or she will begin to induce higher. Understanding the results of habit will assist you or a dearest commit to take action. Any drug use involves serious risks. The lot of an individual uses, the bigger the risks become. It doesn’t matter if a drug is on the market through a doctor or solely on the streets. Habit happens associate degree time an individual uses a banned drug. It happens any time an individual uses a legal medication any means aside from as prescribed. Specific health effects vary by substance and technique of use, however all abuse has risks. Even though you are doing not extreme associate degree extreme health crisis, addiction keeps you from doing and feeling your best. It keeps you from taking care of your body and mind. Materials And Method :- A one group pre-test and post-test pre-experimental design study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program regarding the knowledge of psycho active substance abuse and its consequences on general health among the college students of selected colleges of Bagalkot. Result: – Present study enclosed 4 (8%) females and 46 (92%) males. Among the males 44 (38.5%) were ever smokers. although 38 (96.6%) of the topic knew that tobacco use is harmful for health, solely 52(78.5%) of the topic knew that it causes vas diseases. However more efforts are needed to make them aware about the role of tobacco smoking and chewing in causing cardiac problems. Conclusion: – The study concluded that the video assisted Teaching Program was effective in improving the knowledge of college students regarding the knowledge of psycho active substance abuse and its consequences on general health. There is significant association between the demographic variables and the knowledge of the respondents.


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