Background of the study ‘Motherhood’ is the most beautiful experience in life without which a woman is incomplete. Birth of a healthy newborn is one of the finest gift of nature and also the most awe-inspiring and emotional event in one’s life time.(3) The period after childbirth is a critical time for the health of mother and her baby. Newborns are particularly susceptible to infection much more than the older children, because their new immune system is not sufficiently developed to fight the bacteria, viruses and parasite that cause infection.(4)
Neonatal survival is a very sensitive indicator of population growth and socio-economic development. Each year in India over one million newborns die before they complete their first month of life, accounting for 30% of the world’s neonatal deaths2. India’s current neonatal mortality rate of 44 per 1000 live births represents1.2 million children who die each year. Neonatal mortality is higher in rural areas at 49 per 1000 live births (vs 27/1000 in urban areas). There are important rural-urban and socioeconomic differences in the NMR. The NMR in rural areas is about one and a half times of that in urban areas (42.5 vs.28.5 per 1,000 live births). Bagalkot district in Karnataka has a population of 2,35,380 out of which 1,08,976 are residing in rural areas and 1,26,404 in urban areas. And Bagalkote (47%) has the lowest level of institutional deliveries in the state and only 63% percentage of pregnant women who had a minimum of three antenatal care visits.
More than 86 percent of all newborn deaths are caused by 3 factors; infection, asphyxia and preterm birth. Infection alone – namely Sepsis, Neonatal tetanus, and Umbilical cord infection- accounts for 32 percent of all
Neonatal mortality.(6) In India 1.5 percent of total children become blind due to Opthalmia neonatorum.(7) So today we are going to discuss regarding neonatal infections like umbilical cord infection, neonatal tetanus, Opthalmia neonatorum (eye infection) and neonatal septicemia and their prevention.
Objectives of the Study: To assess the knowledge of primigravida mothers regarding selected neonatal infections and their prevention. To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding selected neonatal infections and their prevention. To find out the association between pretest knowledge of Primigravida mothers and selected socio demographic variables.
Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework of the study is based on modified pender’s health promotion model.
Method This was quasi experimental study with 40 subjects were selected through convenient sampling technique. One group pre test post test design was used. Data was collected by means of a structured interview schedule which was divided into 3 sections (socio- demographic data, knowledge regarding selected neonatal infections and knowledge regarding prevention of selected neonatal infections).The reliability of the tool was established by Split Half method. The Karl pearson’s coefficient of correlation r = 0.835. Planned teaching programme on selected neonatal infections and their prevention was developed. After content validity of the tool was established by five experts.
Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical in terms of mean, frequency distribution, percentage ‘t’ test and chi-square test. Result It was proved that there was increase in the knowledge level of primigravida mothers after implementing planned teaching programme, thus planned teaching programme on selected neonatal infections and their prevention was effective. Out of 40 subjects 21(52.50%) of subjects had inadequate knowledge, 11(27.50%) subjects had medium and only 8(20%) had adequate knowledge regarding selected neonatal infections and their prevention before teaching programme (pre test). However after teaching programme (post test) about 14(35%) subjects had an adequate knowledge and 21(52.50%) subjects had medium knowledge and only 5(12.50%) had inadequate knowledge regarding selected neonatal infections and their prevention.
The purpose of analysis is to reduce the data to intelligible and interpretable forms so that the relation of problems can be studied and tested. The interpretation of tabulated data can bring to light these real meaning of the finding of the study.56 pr. Analysis and interpretation of data for the present study is based on data collected from 40 primigravida mothers attending H.S.K medical college hospital and research centre Bagalkot. The data collected were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The data themselves do not provide us answers to our research questions. The amount of data collected in a study is too expensive to be reliably described by mere perusal. In order to meaningfully answer the research questions, the data must be processed and analyzed in some order. The data is analyzed on the basis of the objectives and hypothesis of the study.
Keywords : Primigravida mothers, selected neonatal infections and their prevention, planned teaching programme.