A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme to Mothers of Under-Five Children on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Prevention of Gastroentiritis in selected Slum Areas at Hassan

Authors : Lakshmi Devi. B

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

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Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Mothers are the primary care givers to the children so they should have adequate knowledge and practice regarding prevention of gastroenteritis in under five childrens. Pre-experimental research design with one group pre test and post group research design was used for the study. Samples are mothers of underfive children in selected slum areas at Hassan. Non-probability convenient sampling technique used. The total samples size was 80. The data were collected by using structured knowledge questionnaire and practice check list. Data collected from that pre- and posttest knowledge and practice computed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. In this present study shows that, where in, majority mothers if underfive children in the age group between 21 to 25years with 33.8%. Age of the child. Where in where in, majority of them are in the age group between 1to 3 years with 65%. Sex distribution is related to female children’s. gave got 58.8%. Regarding the birth order of the child .majority of them 2nd child 31.3% regarding the residence, Majority of the mothers of under five children (n=80) were from semi urban with 100%. Regarding the education of the mothers, Majority of the mothers of under five children were primary education .with 50%.The family income of the mothers of the under five children .have a monthly family income between rupees 2,001-3,000, with 46.3%.The religion of the mothers of the under five children, most of them are Muslims with 82.5%These mothers of under five children .represent a nuclear family with 58.8%.Regarding the food consumption .mothers are non vegetarian with 93.8% Regarding employment. Mothers of under five children are house wife with 95%. The overall mean post test knowledge level 82.92%and practice level 85.27% more than the mean pretest knowledge level 35.12% and practice level 40.50% .The comparison in the pre and post test knowledge level of mother of underfive children s regarding gastroenteritis and its prevention was 47.8%.and computed t value for pre and post test knowledge level was t= 47.2, p=<0.001and practice level t=42.76,pvalue <0.001.hence statistically significant in improving knowledge level and practice level of mothers of underfive children by planned teaching programme and there is an association between the pretest knowledge and practice level .

Keywords : Keywords:- Mothers of under-five Children, Gastroenteritis.


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