Introduction: Kidneys are the most vital
organs in the human body. Kidneys perform vital
functions like excretion of waste products, maintenance
of water balance, thus maintaining the homeostasis. In
addition kidneys perform many other functions such as
role in homeostasis, production of erythrocyte, endocrine
functions, and regulation of blood calcium level.
Methods: A pre experimental research approach with
one group pre-test design which includes manipulation,
without control and randomization. The study includes
30 patients who are selected as a sample by nonprobability convenient sampling technique. Result: We
enrolled 30 samples. Thus we concluded that the overall
pre-test knowledge of experimental group is having the
same level of knowledge, the main value of experimental
group was 4.5 (30%). The overall post-test knowledge
means group scored in mean value of 10.4 (69.3%). Thus
the patients in dialysis unit among the experimental
group have scored high in post-test. Hence the research
study was preferred to be highly significant. Discussion:
The findings of this study revealed that knowledge of the
patients having more knowledge regarding kidney
transplantation on ESRD after giving the structured
teaching programme. Thus we concluded that the
selected sample need on-going classes periodically
regarding kidney transplantation on ESRD.
Keywords : Effectiveness, ESRD, Knowledge, Kidney Transplantation.