A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of VATM on Knowledge Regarding Malnutrition among Mothers of Under-Five Children Residing at Navanagar of Bagalkot

Authors : Monappa; Prof. Sureshgouda S Patil; Dr. Deelip. S. Natekar

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3lIU5OP

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG528

The aims of this study are as follows: (1) To assess the knowledge regarding malnutrition among mothers of under-five children. (2) To assess the effectiveness of VATM on knowledge regarding malnutrition among the mothers of under-five children and (3) To find out the association between the knowledge with their selected socio-demographical variables. Study approach- This was a quasi-experimental survey and follow the study design as pre-experimental one group pre-test, post-test without control group. The population involved in this study was mothers of underfive children in Bagalkot. Samples are mothers of under-five children residing in Navanagar. Sample size is 100 (Total) mothers of under-five children were included in the study. Further, data were collected by structured closed ended knowledge questionnaire. After collection, the data are organized and analyzed with the help of mean median and percentage, and the socio-demographic characteristics of mothers of under-five children were as follows: 46% of mothers of under-five children are in the age group of 20-25 years, 35% of mothers belongs to primary education, 59% of mothers are house wife, 38% of mothers are having 15,001-20,000rs, 93% of mothers are Muslims, 71% of mothers are from nuclear family, and 39% of mothers are having 2 children. Percentage wise distribution of mothers according to their knowledge shows that 46% of mothers had good knowledge followed by 36% mothers had average knowledge, 16% had poor knowledge and only 2% mothers had very poor knowledge. After VATM (post test) 86% mothers are having very good knowledge followed by 14% mothers had good knowledge and no mothers of under-five children with average, poor and very poor knowledge. After thorough analysis of the data, researcher concluded that only 46% mothers of under-five children are with good knowledge related to malnutrition. A mother with good knowledge can have healthy children. Hence more study can be conducted by using different method of teaching to achieve optimal knowledge related to malnutrition.

Keywords : Mothers of under-five children, Knowledge, VATM, Effectiveness and socio-demographic variables.


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