Authors : Shivakumar Chawan; Dr. Deelip S.Natekar; Varesh G Chilapur; Dr. Utalbasha N Dhandargi; Santosh B. Sajjan; Raghavendra Holdur; Rakesh S
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January
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This chapter deals with the statement of the
problem, objectives, operational definitions,
assumptions, hypothesis, variables, and conceptual
framework of the study.
To assess the existing knowledge on prevention of
Hepatitis-B among ward assistants.
To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted
teaching programme on knowledge regarding
prevention of Hepatitis-B among ward.
To determine association between post-test
knowledge scores regarding prevention on HepatitisB with selected socio demographic variables.
There is a significant difference between mean pretest and post-test knowledge scores of ward assistants
regarding prevention of Hepatitis-B.
H2: There is a significant association between posttest
knowledge levels and selected socio demographic
variables of ward assistants.