The aims of this study are as follows: (1) To assess
the factors associated with oral cancer among cancer
patients. (2)To find out the association between factors
associated with oral cancer with their selected sociodemographic variables.
Materials and Methods: This was descriptive study with
200 subjects, selected through convenient sampling
technique. Descriptive case–control design was used.
Data was collected by structured questionnaires . Data
was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential
statistics in terms of mean median range and by
distribution, chi- square test for association.
Results: In interview schedule ,out of 200 subjects, 100
case group an 100 control group, highest percentage
(45%) of oral cancer occurs due to consumption of
tobacco, 17% are suffer oral cancer due to consumption
of tobacco with smoking, 9% occur to smoking and 4%
due to Alcohol consumption.Findings related to factors
associated with oral cancer. The overall findings reveal
that Percentage wise distribution of oral cancer patients
attending in cancer units of selected hospitals of
Bagalkot. Scores reveals that out of 200 subjects,(100
case group and 100 control group) highest percentage
(45%) of oral cancer patients suffer from tobacco use,
17% of tobacco with smoking, least percentage of alcohol
consumption, lack of oral hygiene, consumption of hot
beverages, radiation, Betel nuts and some are family
history of oral cancer.
Conclusion: The study proved that structured
questionnaires on assess the factors associated with oral
cancer among cancer patients was scientific, logical and
cost effective strategy.
Keywords : Oral Cancer Case Group, Control Group With Factors Associated With Oral Cancer.