Aims: The aims of this study are as follows to assess the Practice of orphan children regarding healthy habits. (2) To find the association between Practice of selected healthy habits among orphan children with their selected socio-demographic variables. Materials and Methods: Study approach- This was a descriptive survey and follow the study design as descriptive cross-sectional. The population involved in this study was orphans in Bagalkot district. Samples are orphans residing in Ashrayadham. Sample size is 100 (Total) orphans were included in the study. Further, data were collected by structured non observational checklist. Results: After collection, the data are organized and analyzed with the help of mean median and percentage, and the socio-demographic characteristics of orphans were as follows: 63.33% of orphans are in the age group of 9β13 years, 60% of orphans belong to 4thβ7th standard, 62.67% of orphans are Hindus, 17.83% of orphans are Muslims, and 43.33% of orphans are aged >5 years. Percentage-wise distribution of orphans according to their practice level shows that 43.33% of orphans had average practice followed by 36.67% orphans with good practice, 20% had poor practice & No orphans had excellent & Very poor practice.
Keywords : Healthy habits, orphans, exercise, nutrition and structured interview schedule.