India has the highest prevalence of iron
deficiency anemia which is a significant contributor in
the prognosis as well as progression of cardiac disease
.Heart disease itself is the leading cause of death in India.
Using simple hematological parameters and ECG we
have established co-existence between iron deficiency
and cardiac disorders.
Materials and methods: Study duration was one year in
few selected areas of Bilaspur and Ambikapur. Total of
36 subjects with anemia were found who underwent
tests like Hb, MCV,MCH, MCHC, Hematocrit and
ECG to detect cardiac disease as well and statistical
analysis done.
Results: The mean age of the patient was 52+ 2.5 years.
The mean + SD Hb was 6.5 + 0.2 gm/dl. The mean + SD
for MCV,MCH,MCHC was 70.2 + 2.1 fl, MCH was 22.2
+ 2.4 pg, and that for MCHC was 25.5 + 1.2 g/dl
respectively. The Hematocrit % ranged between 18.7 to
24.5 with the mean + SD value of 20.1 + 2.1. ECG
findings varied from ST segment depression, T wave
inversion, prolonged QT interval, abnormal QRS
Conclusion: Every anemic patients must undergo few
tests for an early diagnosis of underlying heart disease so
that without further delay , prompt management can
prevent the associated morbidity and mortality
Keywords : Iron Deficiency Anemia, Heart Disease.