Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is mostly used by the bank customers as it allows withdrawing the cash quickly. For this purpose, sufficient cash should be available in ATM in order to meet customer’s requirement. Now-a-days, many people are searching for the location of ATMs through Google Maps but unfortunately peoples are wasting their time in search of working ATM. We have proposed a system which consists of mobile application and web module which will help users to find the nearest working ATM and to check the availability of cash in that ATM using mobile application. The web module is designed for bank admin which analyses the frequency of users dispensing the cash of each ATM and notifies CIT (Cash-in-transit) vehicle to perform the specified actions. The CIT Vehicle is responsible for transferring cash from low frequency cash withdrawal to high frequency cash withdrawal ATM.
Keywords : Cash Management, Google Maps, Cash-inTransit, ATM.