Authors : Dr Seerat Ul Nisa, Dr Glynis Miranda Anita, Dr Vidya K Shenoy, Dr Shradha Dhanania, Dr Bhavana Tadikonda
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February
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As the awareness among patients is increasing
about dental implants, it demands higher level of
competence from the students of dental institutions. In
developing countries only limited information is
provided to students at undergraduate level regarding
implants. So, the aim of this study was to access the
knowledge and perceptions of dental students towards
implant treatment and education.
Material and Methods:
This descriptive cross-sectional study was an online
survey based on questionnaire with a sample size of 120.
Informed consent was taken from all the participants.
The survey consisted of multiple standardized questions
regarding their knowledge of implant therapy and their
perception on introduction of the same in
undergraduate curriculum. The data was analyzed
using SPSS software.
Out of all the participants, 105 students (87%)
responded to the survey. The students considered dental
implant as a restorative option for replacing missing
mandibular molar, maxillary anterior tooth and
edentulous mandible. Most of the respondents felt that
the topics related to implant dentistry were not
sufficiently covered during their undergraduate course
and they showed keen interest in learning more about
the therapy through simulated practicals and clinical
placement of the implants.
The students were acceptably familiar with
implants as a restorative option in partial and complete
edentulous situations and showed keen interest in
learning the theoretical as well as clinical aspects of the
implant therapy at undergraduate level. However, there
is a need to introduce structured implant dentistry
curriculum at undergraduate education level in India
and other developing nations.
Keywords : Implant, Undergraduate Curriculum, Implant Training in Dental Students.