A Systematic Review on Parasite Induced Carcinogenesis

Authors : Avinaba Mukherjee

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/38GpjQJ

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN882

Parasitic pathogens through cross infection exert carcinogenesis in human body. The immune evasion strategy that has been adapted by several parasites is recognized to be associated with human carcinogenicity. In this review, studies have been analyzed which depicts how carcinogenicity occurs through several parasitic infection. Among the parasites that are involved toward developing carcinogenicity, Helminth is found to be dominant as per the recent studies. One reason for this that they mostly have prolonged life cycle than the other parasites, therefore more complex network through molecular endeavour has been adapted by them that would leads the host cell malignancy. This review particularly summarizes the parasites that are involved in carcinogenicity and the mechanism that they adapt to develop so. Targeting the molecules that are being modulated by parasites to trigger carcinogenesis, drug development can be done. Drug designing can also be made by targeting the parasite induced secretory molecules which mainly cross talk to develop carcinogenicity. Specially conjugated therapy of parasitic drugs with anticancer drugs that are target specific should be used at minimum doses so that to block the parasite induced carcinogenicity in host body.

Keywords : Parasites; Pathogen; Carcinogenicity; Drug Target.


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