A Systematic Review on the Prevalence of Postpartum Depression and the associated Risk Factors in Asia

Authors : S. Kalyani; Dr. C. N. Ram Gopal

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3fbQhnV

Postpartum Depression is a major mental health concern affecting mothers and their infants. Various studies have been conducted across the Asian continent to estimate the prevalence and the risk factors associated with Postpartum Depression.The main objective of this current review is to determine the burden of postpartum depression in across the Asian continent to synthesize the important risk factors and to provide evidence-based data inorder to prioritize maternal mental health and wellbeing. This review aims to assess the prevalence of Postpartum Depression in Asia and to ascertain risk factors for PPD in the period 2000-2020. Methods The literature search was done using electronic database like PubMed, Elsevier, PlusOne, Research Gate and Google Scholar. Search terms like postnatal depression, postpartum depression, risk factors, Asian Mothers were used to find relevant literature. Result Fifty-eight studies about postpartum depression were selected that were conducted across various Asian countries. The prevalence of postpartum depression varied widely due to the different cut off points and varying timelines used in different studies.2 Studies in India (Gujarat and Karnataka) recorded the highest prevalence 48.50% and 46.90% respectively.2 Studies conducted in Iran and Kuwait recorded the highest prevalence 40.40% and 45.90% respectively. 20 studies recorded a prevalence rate between 20%-40%. 6 studies estimated a prevalence less than 15%. The risk factors associated with PPD were classified under five different categories. They are 1.Socio-demographic variables,2.Pregnancy and Birth Related Variables,3.Infant Variables,4.Family Relationships and Psychosocial factors. Conclusion The review highlights the burden of Postpartum depression and recommends frequent screening for maternal distress in the last trimester of pregnancy and in the post-partum period needs to be carried out by health care workers when mothers come for their postnatal review or at the immunization clinics

Keywords : Postpartum” or “Postnatal” or “Perinatal”,”Depression” or “Distress””Prevalence”or”Incidence”,”India” and”Asia” and “Arabic Region


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