The importance of accident prevention is more Than after accident providing facilities to user. We observed that more accident happen because of potholes, in accident spots (danger zones) or crossing signal while fast driving, and many more reasons. So we are developing a prototype which can be prevent user from accident common circumstances, try to provide all the prevention in one compact system like potholes detection, danger (Accident) zone detection, GPS Tracker. Our system consists of controller unit, server unit, and display unit. Controller unit consist of Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, GPS Module, Accelerometer. Display unit consist of LCD and Buzzers. Server unit consist of web application, cloud and database. In this we are trying to detect potholes using ultrasonic sensor, checks danger zone using sorted data store in database. GPS Module connected with server, it always checks danger zone as well as using GPS we can track our vehicle. If pothole is detected then alert to user using buzzer. We performing Association Rule Mining, data classification using Éclat Algorithm and Clustering using K-means clustering Algorithm and perform data mining on accident data and divide it into different levels. Also generate a data report for Transport ministry.
Keywords : Arduino, Accelerometer, Buzzers, Data Mining, Éclat Algorithm, GPS Module, Load Cell, LCD, K-Means Clustering, Server Unit, Ultrasonic Sensor.