This type of Qualitative research approach through Phenomenology. Data collection was done through: observation, interview and documentation. The informant’s research includes: (a) the leadership of the Provincial Hospital, (b) medical personnel, and (c) of the patient. Pengabsahan data using: credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. Data analysis is used: data collection, data presentation, data condensation, and withdrawal of the conclusion.The results showed that: (1) implementation of account-tabulates performance of service bureaucracy IGD is (a) performance accountability is responsible for the handling of the IGD, (b) the legality of a formal performance accountability at central position, and the realization of the duties and functions of the medical personnel, (c) Accountability professional performance powered by the level of education of medical personnel with title of Doctorate; Master’s degree; Bachelor’s degree; Bachelor/Diploma; and ADMIN. Line and the adequate and extremely variable. (2) performance accountability of service bureaucracy in IGD reflects: (a) adequate Reliability performance yet. (b) performance of Tangibles embodies a sense of effort there is safe and comfortable. (c) Sameness personnel-medical response is quite sufficient, (d) Empathy performance almost all actions useful medical personnel, (e) the Assurance of performance adequate enough medical personnel, (f) Confidence performance, medical personnel loyalty towards the Office still need to be improved. Continuous integrity medical personnel belong to either. Integrity of normative medical personnel who have not been adequately give appreciation service, (g) Effectiveness of the performance has created the atmosphere and conditions are transparent, accountable, and democratic and (h) Quality performance identified five positive properties, namely: provide the best service, advice, motivating accommodate medical personnel, developing institutions, responsible, quality of facilities supporting the rising performance of medical personnel. and (3) the Proto-type of service improvement model IGD reflects: (a) the Proto-type single delivery quality improvement and competencies, and (b) the Proto-type model of collaboration must – reflecting simply patient service flow and applicative.
Keywords : Bureaucratic Performance Accountability, Performance Benchmarks, and IGD Services Prototype Models.