Action of Low Intensity Electric Current on UNI and Pluricellular Organisms

Authors : Cynelle Olívia de Souza

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December

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One of the objectives of the work was to verify the effects of electricity on protozoa and mosquito larvae in water. The results demonstrated the occurrence of paramecium death in lettuce cultures exposed to both high tension and low intensity treatment, as well as low tension treatment, and the lack of effect of these methods on the multiplication of mosquito larvae in standing water. Regarding the aspects of the cultures, transparency of the water of the one that received high voltage treatment was observed. Two phases were formed in which it received low voltage. The water of the control group was cloudy. Another objective was to verify the influence of high voltage electricity on bacterial activity in three samples of raw milk. The methylene blue reductase test was used for the visual verification of discoloration due to the proliferation of bacteria. It was found that the treated group had less discoloration when compared to the control group, which is suggestive that the method decreased the bacterial load. Further research can be carried out with the aim of ascertaining the effect of electricity on several single-celled organisms, including viruses and in particular COVID - 19.

Keywords : Electricity; Death, Pathogens; Single-Cell, Voltage


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